how we met

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Third view
Levi was close; he could smell it in the air. He had been on the scent for what seemed like weeks but was only one. The damn thing kept changing direction; it was smarter than he assumed it was. This is fucking ridiculous he muttered to himself in annoyance.

Levi's pov
I was tired, bored and most of all, I was fucking filthy and to the lord I detest I hated being dirty. How the fuck did she trick me into the forest to catch a fucking dragon they have the prince of hell Levithian doing this shit as soon as i get back I'm going to kill hangi. I cursed promising bloodshed at the situation I got myself into .

I remembered it like it was yesterday which it wasn't because I've been in this shitty forest for a week.

Leviiiiiii! Screamed the banshee which is ironic because that's what kind of demon she was.

“What shitty four-eyes I'm busy” I lied hoping she'll go away.

“Torturing the damned is not busy. I have a new baby and you're going to help me with it”. She finally told me why she was here other than to piss me off.

“Fuck no! I told you to stop with the shitty experiments you freak”. I said so done with this conversation.

“Short-stack if you help me you get to leave hell until you're done”. Hangi said with a gleam in her eye she knew she had my interest. I was doing nothing and to be honest I was pretty bored of sitting on this throne.

“How long do i get to be gone” I said, a little hesitant to trust her knowing how she is.

“until you find what I'm looking for bring one back dead or alive and while your gone I'll make Erwin cover for you and before you ask he owes me a favor” she said with a wink fucking disgusting both of them are fucking freaks how they're my friends and high ranking demons I'll never know.

“Deal” in hell when making a deal you shake on it in a kind of a binding to make sure you fulfill your part that's where you have to be careful what you shake on.

Even knowing this and hangi I still shook on it and made the worst deal of my enternal life and I've made alot of shitty ones but none involved looking for fucking ancient ass dragons a giant ass lizards in a shitty dirty ass forest sure I've maybe razed a few but from the fucking outside not in one were I could get eaten.

   I knew I had fucked myself over when I finally stopped cursing hangi out in my head and out loud and analyzed what she actually wanted me to do which happend to be fuck with a dragon and try to catch one. A being that's just as ancient as demons and with age like all demons it gets just as strong as one if given time and if the dragon is old enough to fight it could end up doing damage or worse might exhale their stinky ass breath in my face before it tries to eat me and don't get me started on the females especially one protecting its young.

Now I'm walking around looking for a hunter like a dumbass looking like I'm fucking prey cause of my bloody height what am I just suppose to walk onto one fucking sleeping or something. I'm pissed and about to raze this whole forest to call one of those things out of hiding so I can go home. I am a patient creature but not as much when I'm tricked into doing hangi's dirty work.

  Never make a deal with a demon that's as old as Hangi; she has tricks up her sleeve that apparently still work on me. It always ends up screwing me over in the end and I keep falling for it because she just so begrudgingly happens to be my best friend.

  I'm about to snap my fingers to create a small flame to set the closest tree to me ablaze and start some chaos when I hear a screech somewhere close by. Now I would normally be annoyed at the loud sound but a small part of my long dead heart was happy because I can finally get out of this forest and take a long ass skin peeling off hot shower. I almost sigh in relief when the thing screeches again louder. It took that time for me to realize that it was scared, terrified even.

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