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ITS A BEEN A YEAR, since the suppose relationship [M/N] was forced in technically. He and Isamu were now in 12th grade, he still his usual school uniform. A tan vest over his white dress shirt, and black uniform pants that oddly were a little big on the poor boy. Isamu wore his button up jacket unbuttoned, showing off a white tee as the rest was school uniform coded. Right as we speak, [M/N] is sitting on isamu's lap, carefully eating grapes as it was break time. "...why haven't you ate.." Isamu asked, gripping the boy's hip who seemed to squeak at the pressure.

"I-it's just I didn't feel hungry Isa..." [M/N] said below a whisper, Isamu narrowed his eyes. "Eat, you basically look like a damn stick you idiot." [M/N] looked down embarrassed, was he that skinny? The poor boy pulled his lips into a thin line, thinking about what was said to him as he pulled his sleeves down. The sleeves that he usually hides his fingers when it's cold, usually Isamu would blow hot air on them to warm up the boy's fingers. But today Isamu was acting cold and harsh, today Isamu didn't even greet him this morning or afternoon. It made the poor [L/N] poor look like a pathetic fan boy who doesn't get attention.

Isamu noticed the insecure boy slump in his lap, he slowly smiled. But it wasn't a soft one, it was a dark one as he licked his lips. Ah yes, the taste of the poor male in his lap lowering his self-esteem. "Wow..you're that insecure?" Isamu asked as he man spread so [M/N] could perfectly be in between his legs. [M/N] perked up, eyes widening. "I...I'm not insecure.." he said, shuffling a little before those tight arms wrap around his slim waist. "Jeez, you can't take a joke about you being skinny? What you want to be fat like those girls in your class?" Isamu raised a brow as he eyed the boy's neck.

The boy's neck was covered in hickies and teeth marks, but his hair was grown to neck length. So if anyone were to pull his hair up, anyone could see that [M/N] is Isamu's property. "N-no! Of course I can take a joke..." [M/N] said lowly before rubbing the back of his neck, he had gotten a fresh teeth bite from Isamu minutes ago. "Hmm..."

Takashi hummed at the [L/N] before he heard foot steps come toward the two boys. [M/N] and Isamu turned to the left to see a doe eyed ravenette boy who waved at [M/N]. The small boy immediately knew he was. It was Aoi, his classmate who suddenly started to notice him this year. "Ah! [M/N]-chan~ I was looking for you.." Aoi said with a small smile. [M/N] felt flattered as he never had someone, a classmate for once trying to talk or look for him! Maybe he can make a friend.

"Ah...Aoi..it's nice to see you." [M/N] said with light up eyes. Isamu narrowed at the sight as he let go of the waist of [M/N]. Aoi basically didn't waste his breath to make a glance at the popular kid of his grade, he already hated Isamu and Isamu hated him. Aoi went to grab [M/N]'s arm, to pull him off the lap of the Takashi male as he wanted to "show him" a cute rabbit he saw for [M/N]. Before Aoi could get closer, Aoi dodged a straight kick to his face by Isamu.

𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐇| 𝙼𝙰𝙻𝙴 𝚈𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁𝙴𝚂 𝚇 𝙼𝙰𝙻𝙴 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙴𝚁Where stories live. Discover now