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AOI SCOFFED, he hated that bastard Isamu. Isamu technically told the poor [L/N] male that Aoi would hurt him if he ever go near the black haired male. Aoi clinched his fists, his eyes narrowed as he glared at that emotionless prick who would drag  [M/N] away from him. Literally, aoi would walk toward the short boy's desk only for Isamu to barge in the classroom and drag the poor boy out of there. Aoi could only scoff in defeat and walk off.

Aoi hated it, and he hated that dull eyed freak. The black haired male always had eyes for the curly haired boy. But Takashi was always a step ahead and blocked any advantage Aoi had towards [M/N]. It made him sick, it made him infuriated at how he treated [M/N] like dirt, and then the next minute Takashi is acting all nice and loving. Aoi hated the sour taste of when [M/N] would sadly glance at the floor.

He just wanted to hold the small boy and let him know he's worth the time. And that's when an idea popped up in the black haired boy's head. He's gonna take [L/N] out, but he needed a distraction to get that dull eyed asshole away from the cute feminine boy. During lunch time, Aoi had a teacher go up to Takashi who seemed confused but listened to the order to send out math copies to the classrooms and teacher lounge. As the two colored haired male left [M/N] all alone, Aoi swoop in for the kill.

"Hi [M/N]-chan!!" Aoi said cheerfully, keeping his hands where [M/N] could see them.

"H-hi aoi..." [M/N] said, looking at his tray. Aoi frowned before crossing his arms on the lunch table.

"Hey, wanna hang out tomorrow? It's my treat." Aoi said with a fox like smile. [M/N] eye widened. Was he genuinely being asked to hang out with someone?? Was this a prank?? What if Isamu got mad...

"Uhm..." [M/N] looked away from Aoi who frowned. He could tell the curly haired male was having conflict in his head.

"It's okay if you don't wanna go [M/N]-chan.."

Immediately the boy shook his head no. He didn't want to miss the opportunity to make a new friend. Hell no! So he nodded as he thought about it.

"But where will we go?" [M/N] asked, looking at Aoi with those pretty doe eyes. Aoi had to look away as he kept down those impulsive thoughts to just squeeze those lovely face cheeks of his.  Aoi finally turned around with a smile.

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