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DAISUKE SMILED, he was relaxing in his class. But really he was seething at this asshole Takashi Isamu. He hated that emotionless bastard who stole his rank to be number 1 handsome in the grade, all because girls realized how they liked a quiet and cold male. So Daisuke tried to be like that only for others to cringe at how Daisuke tried to copy Takashi. Sato Daisuke hated it, cause right of now Takashi was getting attention of the females. Sato scoffed, he got up in a huff and walk over to Takashi who turned to look at him with those emotionless eyes.

"So what, you think you're the big shot because of your little nonchalant attitude eh?!" Sato lost his cool whilst Takashi knitted his eyebrows. "Who..even are you?" The class went silent, Daisuke felt uncontrollable anger. He laughed lowly, he just wanted to choke the life out of the this little shit who dared to embarrass him. But before Daisuke could do anything, one of his friends or so called minions pulled him away from the desk of the nonchalant male who only turned back around. "Dude it isn't worth it..." said a male with brown hair. Daisuke scoffed again.

"I don't need your scolding asshole.." Sato said, pulling his arm from the brown haired male who only sighed. "Fine..but if you get in trouble..it's not my fault. It's yours." Daisuke could only sigh before opening the sliding door of the classroom and leaving. He needed to clear his head. As Daisuke walked, he scratched his head. He wanted to know more about that nonchalant asshole who seemed to have gained popularity over some dumb ass shit personality. Sato was so deep into his thoughts, he didn't even notice a particular curly haired male who seemed to be coming at him.

Suddenly Daisuke felt something bump into his chest, and there stood the crybaby of class B-1. [M/N] rubbed his head, not even noticing he bumped into a real person and not a brick wall. Daisuke was going to yell at the person only to stop when our protagonist looked up with those pretty [e/c] doe eyes. Daisuke felt his heart beat fast, he never seen an adorable male before. Daisuke could tell [M/N] was male because of what he was wearing.

That tan vest over that white dress shirt. That's one of the boy's uniform in the school. [M/N] looked at Daisuke confused as the said male was literally spacing out whilst looking at [M/N]. Soon Sato snapped out of his weird stare and opened his mouth to voice his thought of the small male.

"Well..aren't you a beauty~"

HE SMIRKED, the feminine male shook at that predatory look. The way those brown eyes just stare. Daisuke smiled, showing his canine teeth as he slowly licked his teeth. "Well hello there..what's ya name sweetheart?" [M/N] shivered, he didn't mean to bump into the 2nd rank popular guy. He just wanted to go to the bathroom! Daisuke waited for the male to speak only for [M/N] to try and run. Sadly that was the wrong move.

Daisuke quickly grabbed the curly haired male's arm, pulling it so the small male's back could collide with the chisel chest of the dark haired male. "Ah ah ah, don't run away from me cutie~" Daisuke said lowly, almost like a purr as he felt the male shiver in his hold. Daisuke looked at how the boy's body was so slim, but had curves in the right place. Even if [M/N] tried to hide it in baggy pants, he couldn't escape the body he was born with. "I..I just wanted to go pee! Please do hurt me!" [M/N] said, he was gonna cry, he didn't want to bump into this guy. He wanted to pee!

"Hm. Well that's too bad isn't it. You gotta apologize to me for bumping into me sweetheart~" Sato said with a low tone, he let go of the arm of the small male who immediately moved back a little so he can face the male who was possibly at least like 5'6 tall. [M/N] bit his lip, he felt intimidated. Intimidated by the tall male and the gaze, it was like a black wolf and a bunny staring down at each other. Suddenly another wolf entered the ring, Daisuke and [M/N] felt a dark presence. The two males turn around to see an angered Isamu.

"[M/N]. Come." Isamu said darkly, pointing to where he wanted the curly haired male to stand at. So [M/N] obeyed and ran over to Isamu who grip onto the wrist of our feminine protagonist who flinched at the tightened grip. He was sure gonna have a bruise by tomorrow morning. Daisuke crossed his arms, smirking. "Ah~ I see, so he's your boyfriend right?" Isamu didn't answer, only glaring at the bastard with those honey brown eyes. "Hm..." Daisuke smirked at the other tall male. "So he's availabl—"

"Touch him again...and I'm making sure no one knows who you are ever again." Isamu said with a dark look, his face was hardened. Before [M/N] could walk away awkwardly, Isamu pulled the male. Making [M/N]'s back face Daisuke, in one motion Isamu pulled the boy's haired up to show the teeth mark he gave the poor male.

[M/N]'s eyes widen, trying to pull his hair down only for Isamu to glare at him to not. [M/N] whimpered, looking down. Daisuke's eyes widen at the sight of the neck that seemed to be over in hickies and a teeth mark. "He's mine..and now you know." Isamu said finally. He pulled the curly haired male who couldn't help but feel utterly embarrassed at how Isamu didn't care and showed off those markings on his neck. While the couple left the hallway, Daisuke could only darkly smirk at what he now knew.

"Isamu's bitch eh?...hm...interesting."

[M/N] FELT WATCHED, he was packing up his things. He was always last to pack his things up and walk home alone. Isamu forced the male to walk home alone, pisssed off at how his boyfriend 'willingly' let another male touched him. [M/N] had to home back his tears as he sniffled, sadly Aoi had to go because of an event. Aoi looked sadly at the male who was packing up slowly before leaving.

As the curly haired grabbed his bag, he felt a chill down his spine. He swore he felt eyes on the back of his head, immediately he looked around the empty hallway. As [M/N] walked, he felt like he could hear other footsteps closely behind him. But every time he turned around, nothing was there. As [M/N] turned around, he turned a noise that made his squeak out and run down the hallway as fast as he could. Not looking back at the quiet and unsettling hallway.

The hallway stood still, quiet. Empty before. A chuckle was heard.

Daisuke smirked from behind the corner, he licked his lips slowly as he put his hand to his face. Chuckling darkly at how the small male ran off like a little bunny just from a sound. Like a hunter hunting prey.

"So he's his weakness...amazing."


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