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ISAMU HELD THE SLEEPING [L/N], it was just a normal school night. [M/N] was being cuddled by the nonchalant male who was barely even watching the movie the curly haired male put on for them to watch. Sadly for [M/N], he fell asleep. Isamu looked at his phone, texting his mom to send more money as he had a plan for his 'boyfriend'. As [M/N] snored softly, his phone buzzed.

Isamu raised a brow, he was sure he deleted all of his contacts except for himself. The phone then buzzed again, now that made Isamu narrow his eyes as he reached for the male's hello kitty phone case. The nonchalant male easily unlocked it, he always knows everything to make sure his boyfriend doesn't keep secrets from him. Isamu opened the phone to see that the notifications are coming from the message app. He opened the app to see a message from [Bestie! <3], now he scoffed.

His boyfriend shouldn't have any friends. [M/N] only needs him, he's his friend, his lover, and his partner until death. He opened the message to see Aoi had sent a picture of [M/N] being amazed at the jelly fishes with the black haired male looking at the small male lovingly. A text read, "forgot to send this to you, have a gn❤️." Isamu felt anger in his veins as he thrown the phone across the room and looked at the male that he was cuddling. Isamu grabbed the curly hair of the male beside him. [M/N] woke up startled as he griped his own hair to break free of that strong hold.

"Isa?! What are you doin—" "You fucking whore!" Isamu yelled as he thrown the boy across the floor. [M/N] winced, grunting before Isamu grabbed his hair again and pulled his head close to the abusive male. "So you been sneaking off with that bitch, huh?!" He shook the head of the crying male who whimpered. "Isa stop–" he said in a small voice before the male above of him slapped him. "Shut up." Isamu dropped the hair of [M/N] and walked off. [M/N] started to shake and whimper as he came back to see Isamu carry and knife.

Immediately [M/N] got up to run, he ran into a bathroom. Trying to close it before a strong kick busted the door open, knocking the poor male down. "Please leave me alone!" [M/N] said, cowering over to the corner. "You promised me that you won't talk to him..and what did you do? Talk to him!" Takashi yelled, making the male flinch and cry louder. "I'm sorry! Im sorry! Im sorry! I'm—" Isamu covered the mouth of the weeping male. "Shut your mouth...maybe I should just  punish you..." Takashi said with a sick smile.

[M/N] eyes widen, more tears rolled down his eyes before Isamu locked the bathroom.  The pain, the screaming, the noises. Anyone would be concern as it suddenly went silent. Isamu sighed, washing his hands. Looking at the shaking and whimpering male who had cuts all over him, even bruises littered all over his stomach. [M/N] hugged himself, he whimpers until his voice was gone.

𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐇| 𝙼𝙰𝙻𝙴 𝚈𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁𝙴𝚂 𝚇 𝙼𝙰𝙻𝙴 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙴𝚁Where stories live. Discover now