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KIMURA CHIYO SIGHED, Chiyo is a 19 year old boy who's a delinquent and a "teenage dirtbag." But does he care? No. With his blonde white-ish buzz hair cut and pinkish eyes, he was certainly to get noticed. Mostly because did his ear piercings as well. Poor boy was forced to live in Japan because did how he acted in America. Chiyo is Russian-American with a half of Japanese from his mother. The rest is from his father. His mother had named him a full Japanese name so he wouldn't forget where he came from. Nationality wise. Right as of now, Chiyo was smoking outside of an apartment. He was tired of staying inside, he wanted to look around Japan.

Chiyo puffed out a smoke, the smoke lingered in the air before the blonde haired male thrown the cigarette down the ground. He stomped it clean out before walking down an alleyway. He stretched his arms, his white tee lifting showing his six pack. For a mixed boy, he had a sleeper build which was scary. Chiyo was whistling a tune before he heard some snickering.

With curiosity, the half Japanese male looked around the corner to see a curly haired male who looked scared while three boys looked mischievous. [M/N] held his puse close to his body as three boys corner him into an alleyway wall. Our poor protagonist cannot take a break as he walked into the wrong side of his shortcut to Aoi's house.

"Hey? Aren't you that f@ggot from school??"

[M/N]'s eyes immediately widen, the boy smirked at this. "Oh man he is! Guys come take a look at this f@g!" The boy's friends started to surround the feminine male who started to back away. "Maybe he's trans?" "Nah look at that chest, no girl can pull that off." The chattering felt too much for our poor protagonist who closed his eyes instinctively.


The boys flinched at the sound of a gun, turning their head around there stood Chiyo. Chiyo held a pistol, a crazed smile as he swished the gun left and right. "OI OI OI....what you think ya assholes are doing to him you fucking nuisances?" the Russian accent slipped out at the end. Chiyo held an unhinged smile, [M/N] whimpered which gained the attention of Chiyo. "Tsk, picking on a boy because of his sexuality? идиоты..." Chiyo pointed the gun to the bullies who started to plead for their lives, even [M/N] who cried silently. Chiyo raised a brow at the feminine male before aiming the guns at the individuals who dared to pick on the curly haired. [M/N] covered his ears only to hear nothing, the curly haired boy opened ups eyes to see a flag that says "bang" on it. The boys open their eyes confused before getting angry.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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