Last key

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"Edited I don't know if there is anymore mistakes!"

The rune knights hand lucy the final zodiac key.

"Loke I finally did it. I finally did it".
I finally have all twelve zodiac keys!!"

Loke walked up to Lucy and hugged her at that moment everything stopped around them and nothing there was no no sound .
The ground start to shake and the water turns into a portal and all of Lucy's keys start to shine as all her family or celestial spirits come out of their world surrounding Lucy and Loke and join their hug when a familiar voice speaks up.
"Hello old friend"
The celestial spirit king speaks as the big group hug breaks and Lucy stands there crying in joy. "Congratulations Lucy/princess/lucy-sama/ebi/ old friend!!!!" The celestial family shouts. The celestial Mage cries even more as her family watches." "Lucy heartfielia you have collected, saved, and treated us celestial spirits with kindness so I the celestial king allow you to unlock the final orgin of your magic so you can start the journey of collecting the dragon/God/demon keys" the king speaks as the celestial Mage smiles brightly. "Do you accept the task and the final orgin of celestial spirit magic" the king crouches and hold out his hand. Lucy stairs wide-eyed at the king and ask
" Will it break my contracts with my spirits and how badly will it hurt."
The spirits sweat drop as the king chuckles.
" Old friend with the final orgin you will be able to use the zodiac's power with a special dress and you will no longer use their keys the zodiac signs shall be branded on your back to always be connected to them and it will hurt a little."
Lucy breaths in and puts her hand on the Kings hand. A bright light surrounds lucy and the procces starts with the first zodiac. Leo's hand glows brightly and his zodiac symbol appears on his palm as he places his palm on lucy back quickly to not hurt the celestial Mage as she screams.
Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
All twelve zodiac and sliver signs are neatly placed on Lucy's back. Lucy lays on the ground panting from all the pain on her back. Virgo disappears and pops back up next to the king holding the star dress.
" Lucy with this dress you will be able to use the zodiac's powers and it can not come off of you unless you take a shower or sleep . No other Mage or human will be able to take it off. It never gets dirty so don't worry about that. Virgo may you please put the dress on Lucy."

One second later Lucy is standing up wearing the dress and holding onto Virgo's shoulder.

"Lucy due to the places you must go to find their keys I have decided to give you two dragon keys which key do you wish for." Lucy looks at the king about to say Igneel but she thinks of what just happened seven days ago.
Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lucy was sitting at the bar drinking her usual strawberry milkshake thinking of what's been happening for the past few weeks. Lissana had came back and most of the guild ignored her not including Wendy, Gajeel, Levy, Mira, Master and surprisingly Laxus and his team. "Lucy!" a pink haired and white haired girl walk up to lucy with the rest of the team excluding Wendy. "Lucy we are kicking you out of the team for Lissana cause I'm dating her now" he smirks evilly. But Lucy already knew this was happening she hadn't been on a job with team natsu since Lissana got back. Team natsu starred wide-eyed at Lucy who just got up and went to the request board and searched for a mission when one caught her eye and screamed.
All of Lucy's true friends ran up to her. Lucy/lu-chan/bunny girl/ cosplayer what happened they all screamed."Guys look at that request" lucy started to cry in joy.
Defeat a monster destroying the village
Reward: A golden zodiac key Libra
Levy knew what this means automatically lucy had 11 of the 12 zodiac keys and has been searching for that key. Levy started to jumps and squeal with Lucy while the rest of the guild staired at them like psychos.
Lucy caught up in the excitement grabbed Leo's key and started to open his gate. " Open gate of the lion Leo" "Yes princess"
Leo appeared as Lucy grabbed his hand and pointed at the request gasped when he saw the reward and started to cheer too. When master finally spoke up.
"Child what's going on" he spoke calmly.
Lucy ripped off the request and gave it to master. Master starred at the paper wide-eyed at the end and started to cheer also. Finally Laxus spoke up and asked
"What is going on!"
One by one all of the zodiac and silver spirits started to  appear and read the paper and cheered also including Aquarius. All of Lucy's spirits started to hug Lucy and screamed "Your finally gonna get all the zodiac keys!!" The whole guild turned silent and starred at the celestial Mage. A bright light appeared on Lucy's head then a paper popped out
"Dear old friend Congratulations I suggest you start going before the other celestial mages take the mission.
From the celestial spirit king
P.S. I do not like your ex-teammates and guild members. Aquarius shall be giving them a present except your true friends!! ( XD I bet it's gonna get wet up in this place). All the guild members cower in fear of what gonna happen to them. Aquarius swings her urn pointing at the guild member soaking them to the bone. Loke grabs the request and Lucy and carried her out the guild.
Back to the present~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"I would like Grandeeney the sky dragon and Metalicana the iron dragon. I shall find Igneel myself.
."Your choices are very well chosen also we know how far it is from fairy tail so here is a teleport key also!"

The king's voice booms as three keys appear in Lucy's hand. The first was a dark iron key with a symbol of a dragon on it, the second key was pure white,
fluffy like a cloud with the same symbol. The third had a galaxy look to it with a diamond in the middle. Lucy grabbed both dragon key and started to chant "Gate of the wind iron dragon" Two dragons appear and bow down at their new master
"Hello master."
both of the dragons spoke.

. "Hello my names Lucy please don't call me master it make me feel bad."

Time skip back to da guild~~~p.o.v Lucy
I push the guild doors open and do my usual greeting.
"Hello minna!"
I wave. Everything turns silent as they stair at me and my dress and notice me key's are missing. Natsu starts laughing at me.
"Oi lucy did you lose your keys and decided to go back to your mansion."

Levy on the other hand gasps and hugs me and starts crying murmuring.
" You did it."

"Gajeel and Wendy I need you to come with me anybody else want to come."

All the guild follows me to the forest when I stop at a clearing I the forest.

. "Wendy and Gajeel the celestial king has assigned me with a special task and said I would need help so he said which dragon I would want but I could only choose two."
. "You have ingneel" Natsu screams.

" I thought about it pretty well so here you go "Gate of the dragon wind/iron Grandeeney and Metalicana."
"Yes lucy/bunny girl" the two dragons speak as Wendy and Gajeel start to tear up.
"Mom!" Wendy yells.
"metal head!" Gajeel yells.
Both dragons stair at the children and start to cry also.
. "Thank you lucy/bunny girl!

"Why Lucy"

Chapter 1 end ok so I need lucy to end up with someone so here are the choices







These are the choices please help me choose.

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