Chapter Three

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Excitement surged through Arien's veins as he burst through the door, barely containing his enthusiasm as he announced, "Guess what?! Aetna and Kori are going to be there too! They're finally old enough to participate, and how cool is it that it's the same year as me?!"

Azriel followed behind, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he listened to the boy's infectious excitement. Arien had not stopped talking since he'd found Azriel in the kitchen.

Arien was dressed in his new clothes which included a black stoned chain peeking through the top of his unbuttoned tunic. His hair was still wet and hastily brushed back. In his hand, he held a half-eaten pancake, but it was the leather braided bracelet wrapped around his wrist that caught Mera's attention.

Noticing her on the seat swing, Arien raced over to her, showing off the bracelet, "Look what Azriel gave me! Mera, it's his token of luck to me! He told me it's our family Heirloom! That his dad gave one just like it to him when it was his Rite!"

Azriel had crafted the bracelet himself and gifted it to Arien as part of an Illyrian tradition. It was customary for a father to make and bestow a braided bracelet to his son before the Siphon Rite, as a token of carrying the family's luck and blessings with him. And where the father was not present, that honour fell on the oldest son.

Mera knew better than to assume Azriel's father had given him anything.

"Oh, I'll be right back!" Rhiannon said just before hurtling back into the house.

Azriel crouched before Arien, and all amusement disappeared from his face, "Right, you need to listen to me carefully. I know you're going to be excited and overwhelmed but the odds of you finding a Siphon today are next to zero. What is more important than finding siphons today?"

"Finding water, food, and shelter," Arien nodded. "In that order."

"Attaboy. Only drink from running water, rub any berries you find against your skin, and wait to see if there is a reaction before you eat and for shelter?"

"A tree with lots of branches and leaves to hide me if anyone looks up." He answered confidently but not smugly. "No fires at night, it gives my location away to wild animals and the other boys."


"Find a weapon first, even if I spend half the night tonight sharpening a rock." Arien swallowed hard, "Defence only. No Rite is worth spilling blood that need not be spilled."

"Which means?"

"Even if I've found a Siphon, tell no one."

Azriel nodded, his gaze shifting between the boy before him and Mera, who had sidled up beside them. He sighed, and Mera knew what came next even before the words left his mouth, "Arien, when you're out there, you might see the Custodestars flying overhead with bodies in their arms. I know it can be really scary and might make you want to do something reckless, but you need to try and stay calm. Just remember that as long as you can still see them in the sky, you're okay. They'll be flying above you, not collecting you. And in just three days, after spending two nights in the Emerald Grove, we'll be waiting for you. All you have to do is make it back to us, alright?"

"I promise," Arien whispered before leaning across to embrace Azriel. As the little boy's arms wrapped around Azriel's neck, Azriel held him tight. In his eyes, there was a mix of regret and shame. He had missed out on so much of Arien's life—years that could never be reclaimed. As much as Velaris was the dazzling city of the Night Court, it could never compare to the moments he had missed with Arien. And soon, Arien would be leaving for Gunnar or Devlon's war camp, and the thought of it filled Azriel with dread.

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