Chapter 4: Obsession

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I barely got any sleep from what happened last night.

Uzi: Man, I miss E.

I get up till I realize I have 5 minutes till class starts.

Uzi: Shit, I should get out of here.

I rushed out of my room to see my backpack ready to go and homework completed?

Uzi: That's odd, who did my homework?

I shrug it off and hurry to school.

Thad's POV

I'm at school, hanging with my boy Chad then I see Uzi just entered school just in time for class. It's sad that were not in the same class most of the time. Were only in the same music and math class. In music, she's a maniac, no offense, but in math, she's amazing. So, smart, so clever and and so hot.

Chad: Yo Thad, daydreaming about Uzi.

I snap and realize that Chad was talking to me.

Thad: Maybe.

Chad: Go ask her out.

Thad: What if she says no.

Chad: She won't, your like one of the most popular kids in school. How could she say no.

Just then the bell rings.

Thad: Saved by the bell.

The rest of the day was pretty boring, anyways I know I sound like a creep doing this but I'm going to follow Uzi.

during school 11am

Brett's POV

I wake up and decide to explore the area, I know N and V won't be happy if I just left out of nowhere, but I'm so bored.

Brett's mind: Maybe, just for a bit.

I get and grab my double barrel shotgun and go to the nearest ruins I can. I enter the city where it is destroyed in shambles and decide to explore this broken down office building. It was dark and gloomy and I didn't have a flashlight.

Brett: Great, where am I supposed to go in the dark without a flashlight.

I leave the building and I decide to explore another one but all the buildings here are dark and hard to see in without anylight(btw, there is no sunlight in the buildings). I just go back to the compound and try to entertain myself.

few hours later, after school. 4:pm

Thad's POV

I carefully watch Uzi and trying not to get spotted by her to. I then notice her going to the Murder drones place. I was about to scream her name, knowing she's good as dead. So, I ran towards her.

Uzi's POV

I feel like someone's following me, but I shrug that off and enter the compound to see a boy on the ground groaning.

Brett: I'm so boreeeeeeed.

Uzi: Uh hey there-

Suddenly being cut off by Thad running into me and I fell into the snow.

Uzi: Ugh, watch you- Thad!

Thad(blushing): Hey uh Uzi, I just wanted to tell you that it is dangerous here and we should get out of here.

Uzi: Thad, I'm friends with the Disassembly drones.


This sudden scream woke up everyone in the pod and the trio came out of the pod and E said.

(DISCONTINUED) Murder drones but J never existedWhere stories live. Discover now