A Whole New Fate

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"Do you think my power is this limited?" Asked the Armored individual as he pointed the tip of his electro-blade at the man in a cybernetic ninja gi. The two stood upon the New Tokyo tower, the world's largest skyscraper. The armored man quickly thrust off his armor, revealing a set of cybernetic limbs, flowing with neoractor. "You vastly underestimate your opponent, Shikugami." The ninja said as he unsheathed his own blade, the heat making the surrounding rain steam around the weapon. He then drew the blade to the side of his head as he said, "This is only the beginning."

"And, that's a wrap, people!" Came a voice from off set as the bell rung, and the sprinklers were stopped. The man sitting in the directors chair took a sip of his coffee as he got up and applauded the studio around him. "Good work, everybody! We are officially done with the biggest part of the whole film!" He said as the actors climbed off the platform, and the man in the ninja suit removed his mask, revealing a dark-haired and well tanned individual. Everyone began walking around to close everything down for the evening as the man walked up to the director.

"Arron, dude! Another fantastic film in the works! I just know it!" He said as he wrapped a hand around the director who rolled his eyes playfully. "Go get yourself cleaned up, then meet me at the front gate. Mexican, on me?" He said as he pushed the man towards his dressing room. "You know it!" The man said as he waved and walked away. Arron then proceeded to walk around the set and check on everyone else, as he tended to do after finishing filming for every movie.

This would be his seventh movie made, a futuristic sci-fi action film about a man looking to fix the way his people were seen by challenging the government that outlawed his people. "Um, Mr. Dutch!" Called out a woman wearing a pink cardigan over a red shirt, black skirt and an earpiece, a woman who worked for the company that produced his films. She came to a stop in front of Arron and said, "I-I wanted to congratulate you on the finishing of filming your next film. But, some of the producers aren't too happy with the direction this film is going."

"You mean how it appeals to a much smaller demographic than what they'd consider 'profitable'?" Arron finished as he put emphasis on his air quotes. "Y-Yes... I know that making films that contrast what they want has been your thing, and it has proven successful..." The woman said as she fiddled with her earpiece, "But I heard talk of potentially shutting you down for your blatant ignorance of the Producers wishes."

"I figured." Arron said as he walked back over to his chair to retrieve his coffee, "But I can tell you that if they got rid of me, that plan would backfire faster than the Spanish trying to invade the American's back in the eighteen hundreds. You can't get a point across if you don't fight for it." Arron took one last sip of his coffee before placing it in a trash can and walking out of the studio, the woman following him to the gate, trying to convince him otherwise.

As he leaned on the side of the gate, Arron finally said, "If they did fire me, I'd personally love to see their careers go up in smoke. That's for sure. So know this, I've no intentions of changing my film." The woman finally sighed as she said, "Then, if anything else, have a good night Mr. Dutch." She then walked back into the filming lot as Arron walked out of the gate and onto the sidewalk. A cool breeze hung in the air as the sun was setting beyond the Hollywood Hills, sending a cold atmosphere snaking through the whole place.

Arron placed his hands into his coats pockets, keeping his hands warm before checking the-. "Oh, shoot. I forgot my phone." Arron said as he felt the lack of a rectangle in his pocket. He smacked himself on the head as he turned back to go fetch it. Walking through the lot without someone to talk to, the area now had an eerie feeling to it as a chill snaked up Arron's spine. "Brr, I didn't know it was supposed to get this cold out here. Glad I wore my jacket today." He said as he rubbed his face up against the fur lining on his coat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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