Chapter 1

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I woke up early today to go to the gym. I sometimes go to the gym if I have time or if I'm in the mood to run on the treadmill.

The heat from the sunlight kisses my cheeks while walking home. I am squinting my eyes because they're kind of sensitive to the sunlight.

It feels good to walk at this hour. Although, it's tiring, the feeling of fresh air hugging me and the sunlight kissing my skin gives me peace and tranquility. It's something that I like in the morning.

When I reached my condo unit, I did my daily morning routine and went to school after that. I saw Clara standing in front of the university gate, obviously waiting for me. She waves at me excitedly.

"Did you receive my message last night? Aguilar asked for your name. I was tipsy so I gave it to him without thinking twice.." she said giggling. Her dimple on her left cheek is showing, "...hindi ko na natanong kung bakit kasi he was standing in front of me. He looked so good" she said in awe.

"Hindi naman big deal 'yun. He just asked what my name is. That's all."

I didn't let her say anything. We entered the university and attended our class for that day. I sighed. I just got here, but I already want to go home.

One of our teachers gave us a group project with three people. We get the chance to choose who we want to have as a group member, so Clara and I decided to find one member to form a group. A man with paperwhite skin named Ezekiel approached us.

"Can I join your group?" he asked, smiling gently. Oh, this man is a player of the university's basketball team.

"Sure!" the friendly Clara responded enthusiastically.

"Is it okay, Mr. Gonzalez?" he asked me this time.

"Of course." I smiled at him genuinely. This man had been our classmate since freshman, but we don't really talk. We only talk if needed. He seems approachable.

"I'm Ezekiel by the way. You can call me Kiel if you want or whatever you're comfortable calling me."

He offered his hand for a shake hand and Clara took it.

"I'm Clara and this is my friend Rain..." Clara elbowed me "...shake his hand!"
so I took his hand and shook it.

"I know you guys. I've been wanting to talk to you to make friends" yeah, he seems friendly with that boxy smile.

We started discussing the said group project and decided to do it in our free time.

My day went normal. I went home after spending time with Clara at a coffee shop near our school.

My phone beeped while I was cooking my dinner.

Red Aguilar sent you a friend request.

What? Did he cancel it and send it again? I put my phone back on the table, ignoring the man's request.

After eating my dinner, I started doing my schoolwork while video calling my sister. She's just playing while I was doing my own thing. We do this often to at least make her feel my presence.

The next day, Kiel decided to join us for lunch because we still need to discuss some things regarding our group project.

While waiting for my order at the counter, I suddenly feel like someone's staring at me. I looked at my surroundings and almost screamed when I saw a man standing near behind me. I can smell his manly perfume. He's looking at me with a smile kissing his lips.


I made sure that he was talking to me before responding.

"Uhm, hello?" I said awkwardly, he giggled. He looks like he's entertained by my awkwardness.

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