Half light

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Danna used his spear to trace the patterns he'd seen in the night sky the ground was soft so marked well a white light would streak one way a blue another then a yellow would turn back on itself he watched in wonder seeing one faster than his eye could follow he stepped back after a while turning his head from side to side then looked up as a blue light started getting larger it suddenly glowed red leaving a white streak behind it he watched as it turned to a stop in front of him! No it's getting bigger he thought, Danna turned back calling to his friend Virat, look at this Virat it's wonderful, Virat stood walking forward when suddenly it thundered over them skimming the ground dust dirt and smoke covered them it hid the object but the sound was still moving away from them fast, come on Virat let's find it, Danna ran hard until a giant cut in the earth came into sight he moved to run beside it spear in hand the sound of Virat running up caused him to look back, it's too far what do you think it is, I didn't get a good look Virat but it's big, did you see its smoke tail, what, look up Danna, he turned looking up and fell Virat pulled him up pointing they both stood mouths open the trail of smoke was enormous now and going way back into the sky, wow come on said Danna, they turned back and ran the cut in the earth got deeper and wider as they ran until bits of strange shiny metal appeared they stopped to look acashonly hearing loud noises ahead but at a big bit of the object they saw colours running around clear sections, that's strange said Virat, it's not normal, who knows come on said Danna, after a long run the boys came close to the giant thing from the sky it was higher than a five-story house and had an oval shape at its back end then it ran on to a long taper and had a large dome at its front Danna noticed most of the damage was done around its centre Virat pointed out onto the grassland beside them, what's that he said, looking at a large twisted section of the metal that lay on its side smoke and flames burned inside it, let's see, said Danna running out towards it Virat court up but both stopped when bodies appeared in front of them some were whole others in bits, it's people! Said Virat, he walked to a woman laying like she slept in the grass her clothing was strange Danna shook her and listened for her heart Virat pulled a device from her belt, what is it said Danna, look said Virat, look at the little lights inside it "It's magic", Danna looked closer at it nodding they then ran on Virat finding other things for his bag they knelt at another body then both saw a flash of blue and fell forward~unconscious, why'd you do that said Sargent Samuels, there just natives said Kemp, this is bad Lennard said, its a first contact, just kill them said Henderson, we haven't got the rite said Samuels or even the time to watch them, Kemp, you know our laws take Henderson and take them back put them in a lock-up, but Sargent comms are still down by the look of the crash everyone on the gravity wheel died when it hit where probably the only survivors, still Kemp I need to know how many survived so take Driscoll and Porter and get in the wheel where you can and have a good look but don't shoot any more locals we could be here for a long time Lennard Carter your with me on the big section up ahead, Kemp lead his team in through a torn open viewing portal, Porter called Driscoll, hurry up if we stay together it won't take long, Driscoll had to climb to get past a section of the entertainment area, Kemp called up to him, is there a way past this mess, not on your life but I can see captain Reeve's body, shit any comms packs you see take em, Porter try that hatch in front of you, Kemp walked into the remains of the gravity hospital and saw the Doctor and his staff all strapped to beds they were dead a nurse had her eyes open scaring him, oh shit sorry love, he closed her eyes and moved on, Sargent said Lennard look up their, Fuck said Sargent Samuels, let's just go there aren't survivors here, why's that said Carter, just look at their arms and legs said Samuels, the impact must have been horrific, yep look where they hit the bulkhead I see the impressions of people I knew, lay off the comedy Lennard said Kemp. D'Gul stood at the door of the detention centre looking bored as solder Reata ran up to him, D'Gul you requested me, yes soldier follow me, she walked in behind him finding herself at a table she looked at the automatic rifle lying there and felt uneasy a line of women marched in behind two red-clad males one ushered the women to the wall she saw divots in it from projectiles, pick up the weapon soldier said D'Gul, Reata looked at the dishevelled faces in front of her and saw her sisters frend Halie, oh D'Gul there's been a mistake I can't do this, he looked at her with a knowing look, you have a choice soldier do it or join them, Reata stood looking at the half-naked women in front of her there eyes full of fear and put the rifle down she then walked to the wall with tears running down her scales and stood with them, Fool, yelled D'Gul we have a never-ending line of your type, he picked up the rifle Reata looked up at the women guards above on a balcony and shut her eyes,
Danna woke to a headache, Virat where are we, oh it hurts Danna, looking around they saw the room they were in was damaged but shut tight Danna moved to the panelling seeing a split that gave him a view into the next room, look at this Virat some kind of weapons I think, oh, Virat shimmied over and looked in seeing the shiny bars they were long like spears but without points but beside them was a long-handled axe, Danna said, have you still got the string, why, I think I could flick it over that big blade's handle, about half an hour later the loop finally slipped down over the handle, yes oh well done Danna, he pulled slowly until the tension took hold and the axe and it moved out of its frame falling to the floor but just out of sight, oh please come up, said Danna, Virat reached his arm in and was shocked to feel other items of iron were there as well but when he felt the strings end he grabbed at the handle of the bladed weapon it took no time to escape the room then and both boys crept forward with the weapons ready looking for a way out the poles Danna had were light and long even though hollow he thought they must be spear shafts they found an opening to an area outside the ship but fifty-five survivors stood there. Sargent Samuels typed names into a pad, okay that's one hundred and three dead we have seven officers left three Sargents two lieutenants and with the two doctors that's about fifty five seven teams in all I think to get us out of here but only if we work together first we have to bury the dead so line up behind an officer and get assignments eight to each team, Sargent Samuels said Dr Blaine, I'll take the seven, thanks doc in that case you can find out if any shuttles survived and if not how to fix one but only the best one Doc we need a shuttle more than food, Dr Blaine called out anyone with shuttle training to me, the boys watched for their chance Danna just look at them and said, Virat your right their's to meny to get past we have to wait, they found bodies in the area they waited Virat took another box thing with little lights, he sat back feeling for his bag but it was gone he found a bag of useful things he had no use for but put the box in it while Danna kept an eye on the sky people Virat found a body with eyes looking up at an opening he saw more boxes so took one and sat with Danna he turned it seeing coloured spots suddenly a beam of fire opened a round hole in the wall across from him, ah, he dropped the box Danna looked at it then the hole saying, magic! Virat picked it up again this time not touching the buttons Lucky it made no noise so both boys checked the hole, Virat said, this red bit did the magic pointing, Danna, crawled to a body down a hall and found a box he came back sat looking at it then pressed the button, lucky for him it was on stun he woke later in a small room with Virat, oooh, you had it around the wrong way said Virat, I saw the light that hit you it was blue not red like this box, Danna sat quietly for a while, let's get more, why? Their weapons, your rite Danna do you think this magic can help us?
It's getting dark Sargent, yes, let's get to the personnel quarters and set watches we'll start again at first light, Samuels thought about security and called, Lennard, have any A.I drones and pads found collected. The boys raced out to the area where they last saw their spears, thank you gods their here, said Danna, Virat found his bag and ran ahead Danna still felt a bit strange after the blue light but ran when voices started calling them from the scrub near the river they stopped and warriors walked out, we thought you were dead what is that thing out there we were to scared to look, there people, said Virat, no, said Danna, not our people strange sky people they captured us and locked us up, what, said a warrior, how meny, lots, said Virat, but dangerous, he pulled his box out and pressed it pointing at the scrub it burst into flame when the thin red beam hit it, ahh, the warriors ran laughing the boys ran after them they walked into the village, stop, said Gyeth pointing at them as an Elder of this village I ask were you on the plain when it fell from the sky and what is it but first what was the fire magic, Gyeth the people in the sky have them, here I have one for you, but blue it won't kill like a red its a kind of fire, Virat explained about pointing it and how not to hit himself Gyeth pressed the button and a blue light hit the ground, ahh, screamed a group of children watching Danna used his then and a red beam hit the ground burning it as smoke rose the silence after was long as Gyeth looked at the shafts the axe and the other strange things they had  in the Chief's hut later eight more boxes sat in pride of place on a mat Danna and Virat sat with a boy who sat proudly for his first council meeting it was like being made into a warrior he said then Gyeth said, we must send warriors to speak with the people and organize a Chief's meeting to tell these people to leave we didn't ask for them to come, Chief Awala placed his hands on the boys heads, rise a warrior made your tribe needs you he then placed a hand on the boys heads and said rise warriors and help your people.
Sargent Samuels walked out to see why he was called and froze seeing four native people with spears beside them three were men and one a woman Samuels turned, get a vocal unit quickly Lennard, he walked forward with it saying, we are friends and come in friendship, a native spoke and the pad said, we come black bonds harm to you us you from, Damm? Said Samuels and smiled, I'm sorry we will be able to talk soon we just need to talk more, the warrior said something but Samuels heard, leave bad kill now war, no, said Samuels looking at the pad, the warrior said, we you need go now, Samuels turned the pad off but the warrior lifted his spear backing up two others started to follow him but a blue light hit and all four fell to Lennard's phasor, you idiot, but Sir we need them to get the translator working, Samuels looked daggers at him, get them from the sun, one of the teams at the downed gravity wheel collecting parts and supplies packed to leave when one noticed her people were missing she looked around concerned but when all five didn't return to the meeting places arranged she turned and started back as a hand covered her mouth, what said Samuels, the whole team?Check the natives are still there, sir, no one saw them leave, shit how did they do it, okay from now on its full security but don't shoot anyone I need exchangeable natives Dam'b that bloody translator, that night Danna and Virat sat around a fire while women and children stared in at the prisoners, Gyeth said our warriors spoke with them but it was insulting and unintelligible it made it worse then they used a blue light to catch them, why can't we attack now said Virat, no said Gyeth, it's strange Virat they're different in lots of ways just look at that dark-skinned woman even the eyes on the one on the end, Danna said, we need to understand them if we can, Virat jumped from his mat looking up he pointed, look a light is coming, Danna watched as the white light grew it flew straight down towards the big metal sky house on the plain then yellow lights exploded from it burning bits of the house lept up with smoke then the lights moved across it ripping holes as it picked up speed blue flashes came up from the ground hitting the back of the new house as it flew towards them the children ran screaming pointing up at it as it flew over the village to vanish out of sight the prisoners were visibly upset trying hard to see more, gather the warriors called Gyeth, Danna and Virat were sent with the group investigating the attack. look, said Sargent Samuels, they hit the engines and areas around it but not the living area, Lennard laughed, it's to trap us here they must have chased our ships out of the system, makes sense said Samuels but how meny died last night, a technician Sir but five were wounded, now we do need to find a peaceful way to live with the natives, Sir said Lennard, you were told of the shuttle, yes Lennard but think about it their's no way off this planet you saw the ships up their last night! All were theirs. Danna, the warriors are back from the search with twenty-six boxes but some other things were found, I hope some of the things found are of use Opal, but we must wait until we see what they are first, Gyeth asked if you could find the smartest person amongst the prisoners and find uses for the strangest things, oh and he said to watch for their tricks, ha Opal I'm more concerned about getting one of the smart ones who will talk us into early graves but tell Gyeth I will try. The prisoners had been moved to a cave where its timber gateway made it possible to untie them both warriors looked into the cave deciding if any looked smarter than an other then Opal pointed saying, the girl with the black shirt sitting beside the dark-skinned one, no, said Danna, the dark older woman with brown eyes, why her, knowledge, Virat told me age gains it and I think theirs less chance of her fighting us, crewman Stanley was from electronic repairs smart with a love of nature but Danna had her taken to a hut and tide to a pole where one arm was left free the pole was tied to the roof support, you smart yes, said Danna pointing at her with a smile, she pulled her lips back widening her eyes in disgust, okay, so I've truly found a smart one, he picked up a pad and held it so she could just touch the front if she tried nodding Danna pointed at it she nodded and poked her free hand out skimmed a finger over the bottom the screen "It lit up" Danna had found it did that already or one of his warriors had accidentally then she touched the top speaking to Danna - he watched her eyes thinking hard about her intentions - she spoke again and the pad said, hello I'm Stanley - Gail Stanley, Danna said, what? How, the pad said, W how, Gail spoke and the pad then said, can talk for lern's, Danna looked at the two warriors with him and called, Virat, get Gyeth now, the pad repeated in gibberish, we talk longer lerning, Danna looked at her making sense out of the translation but when Gail told them that the pad had only a day or two of life she got looks of surprise she told Danna to press a yellow spot swiping a finger over it then she held the pad out into a beam of sunlight telling him, it to solar charge itself, Danna watched the pad wondering then Gail said, you must put it in sun for an hour, Danna nodded and warriors were sent to find more pads or any thing like it from their collection now that the debris field was bigger excited Danna let Gail sit now while they talked the pad told him of the silver bags called protein bars Gail had told him that just one gave a full days food content Gyeth started asking her more and more questions but when a box was held up Gail just shook her head, No, it's a weapon and I won't let it be used on my people, Danna used a blue light weapon on the ground to show he could use it but still Gail shook her head Virat whispered, don't let her know how many we have but try a red and see what she does, no he said, I think I know why she won't talk I'll just keep on asking about other things we're still learning from her. Sargent Samuels Carter and Lennard had set up an A'I drone surveillance system on a rotating roster the ten drones lept into the air allowing the men time to move the recovered equipment into the shuttle ready to be moved later to the new safe camp found by a doctor's team when recovering a downed shuttle, where not looking good said Samuels, Sir the officers hid I was told, don't believe everything you hear Carter, hiding is the most sensible thing to do in an attack but from what I can see if we can't get planet comms up soon or some help our food'll run out, yes sir by the end of the year said Lennard, lieutenants Doyl and Lin walked up, Sargent, said Lin, we are happy to let you handle the security but will need to be in on decisions, I don't see a problem with that, said Samuels, you're the officers but you do know I'm the only one here with combat experience You aren't even old enough to have seen combat, it doesn't matter Sargent said Doyle, call me Samuels, No,! Sargent, Keep the ranks or we lose respect, Sargent said Lin, you're doing a good job but remember your place, yes Sir I'll send for you "then" every time I think of something but don't you think it will tie up our people and slow us down, Look said Doyl, the roster system is working Sargent so morning and night meetings will do us okay, they walked off happy, oh bloody great, laughed Carter, Sir their children my Daddy was an officer types, a crewman ran over Sir, we have partial comms coming up, when crewman, Henley said to say five minutes Sir, what range, sorry local only Sir just a hundred miles or so there's a jamming system above us, good work crewmen what's your name, Neville Sir, make sure everyone has an earpiece, oh, and get more drones up to give greater range, Danna sat with Gail Stanley talking though a pad when it beeped saying, okay you lot partial comms are back but keep it quiet until our power strength is full solar charging systems will be handed out soon, Danna looked at Gail as she reached over and turned the pad off, Danna said, this means you can talk to each other from here.

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