33/ Astonishin' average

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One week later,

"Hold it right there, Grim! You're not gettin' off easy today, you hear me?!"

You cut your conversation short with Deuce when you hear Ace's scream echoing through the halls. "Myeh heh heh! Maybe you shoulda put your name on it if you wanted it that bad!" Grim exclaims.

Ace was chasing Grim through the halls with an expression you'd rather not explain, you sigh and speak up, "What is it this time? y'all fightin'?" Deuce also lets out a sigh at the two, "Seriously, don't they ever get tired of this?"

"Hey, Y/N! You're the Housewarden, so do some Housewarding! This lousy furball swiped the doughnut I bought and ate it! AGAIN." Ace scolds you as you take this chance to bend over and pick Grim up by his scruff since he had ran over to you and Deuce.

"What do you want me to do? Off with your head!" You mock Riddle and point a finger gun at Grim, making your furry companion flinch as he's used to that spell. "I didn't steal nothin' I just saw a snack left abandoned on a desk and gave it a home outta the goodness of my heart." Grim informs.

"It's not abandoned if it's on somebody's desk! I've got some wind magic up my sleeve with your name on it." Ace whips out his magical pen, Grim readying his fire in response. "Oh YEAH? Try me! I've got fire magic ready to—"

They both freeze up and suddenly all the bloodlust was gone. "Y'know what? I think I'll skip the magic today. I don't wanna get sent to wash even MORE windows." Ace laughs it off, Grim doing the same. "H-heh. For once, I think you've got the right idea. I'd be embarassin' myself if I was the only one usin' magic, so I'll let you off easy this time."

"Normally, you go at it until the classrom's blasted to bits and Crowley comes stormin' in." You add, tilting your head at the two. Ace turns his head towards you and shrugs, "Hey, what kinda punk would I be if I started fighting with a possum over one lousy doughnut?"

"Why do you always have to get in one last smart remark?!"


"It's time for class to start, whelps. Get to yours seats. First, I'll pass back your tests." Crewel informs everyone as he fixes the stack of tests on his table. 

"Myah hah! Gimme! Gimme! I want that test, Prof!" Grim tries to jump on Crewel but gets shoo'ed away. "Settle down, Grim. Stay. STAY!" He exclaims as you take the chance to approach the two, picking Grim up as Crewel mumbles a "Thank you".

"Now.. I'll call you by your class number. Number one!" Ace walks over to Crewel and gets his paper, he then sat back in his seat to look at it.. "SWEET! I got a 92!" He cheers.

"I got an 88! I never thought I'd see the day i scored over 80." Deuce had also gotten his test paper, along with Grim. "Check it out, Y/N! I got an 85!" Grim cheers with his paws in the air, showing you his test.

𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐬𝐦 • various!twisted wonderland x applejack!readerWhere stories live. Discover now