Volume 4.5 Chapter 1: Elevator

754 31 81

Tokyo, Japan
Dorm 401
August 25th, 2019


Me {7 days until the second semester starts}

[Sudo] {Yo! Ayanogoatji. What are you doing?}

Me {A text message from Sudo?}

Me {I open it, and text back}

[Me] {Nothing in particular. I was just wondering what I should have for dinner}

[Sudo] {I see. I ate some sasami earlier. The taste isnt that good but it's easy to make. But that's not important what I wanted to ask about is that fortune teller}

Me {Fortune teller? I was not expecting that}

[Sudo] {The thing is, it seems like they're actually pretty accurate, and they are at Keyaki Mall for the summer. So since I got extra points I thought that we should go together}

[Me] {When are you going?}

[Sudo] {Tomorrow morning. Maybe around 10:00}

[Me] {Sure}

[Sudo] {Make sure to invite Horikita too. Absolutely make sure that she comes}

[Me] {I'll try, but there's no guarantee, you should have asked Yoshida}

[Sudo] {Yeah, but I tried to ask him but he's too busy in the gym with Ike and some other friends}

[Me] {Okay. I'll try}

[Sudo] {Trying isn't good enough you need to invite her}

[Me] {Okay. Give me a second}

Me {I then went to Horikita's number and texted her}

[Me] {Hey, Horikita do you want to come fortune telling with me and Sudo tomorrow?}

Me {After five minutes she replied}

[Horikita] {No}

[Me] {Oh okay}

Me {Looks like Sudo will be mad}

Tokyo, Japan
Keyaki Mall
August 26th, 2019
9:30 AM


Me {Sooo Hot}

Me {So this is how it feels like to be dying. Why did I come here again?}

Me {It's currently 9:30 in the morning and it's hot}

Me {I have to go to the 5th floor.}

Me {I got into the elevator and once I reached my destination, I noticed that there were only couples here}

Me {Since there was a queue I got into it and then a lady came and asked me something}

Lady [Good morning. Will your partner be coming later?]

Me [Partner? No, I am alone]

Lady [Ummm.... I'm afraid sensei's fortune telling is only for couples]

Me [But I love myself so much. That should count right?]

Lady [Uhhhh. Let me confirm real quick, I'll be right back]

Me {I'm surprised she bought that}

Lady [Apparently self loving is not allowed. So unless you have a partner I can't let you in]

Me [Okay]

Me {It was worth a try}

??? [Huh? Are you telling me I can't enter alone?]

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