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"Wanna dance?" I said, pulling him to the dance floor. He flipped in the middle, everyone cheering him on.

"Y/n do a flip!" One of the girls from earlier shouted.

"I can't. I'm wearing a dress!" I said, pointing to my body.

I cheered on Nidal with everyone else. Some other boys joined in. Nidal came back over to me and twirled me around.

"I'm gonna go get a drink." I said and walked over to the drinks.

I took a squash and started sipping. I was very hot.

Once I had finished the drink, I went back over to Nidal.

"That was my first prom." I said as I walked out hand in hand with Nidal.

"Yeah? Well, it was your best first prom." He said.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Because you went with me." He said, smiling. I laughed, shaking my head.

We got into the car and drove back.

"How was it! Did you two kiss?" Jiji said as we came into the house.

"No. But it was amazing!" I said, jumping up and down.

I got changed into my pj's and wiped off the makeup. I put my hair into a messy ponytail and took off all my jewellery except my earrings.

"How do you still look pretty? You're literally just in pj's." Nidal said as I walked into this room. My face turned red.

"Aw, thanks." I said watching him play video games.

"I'm no live say hi." He said.

I waved at his phone and tried to read the comments.

"Come here, see now they can see you better." Nidal said, grabbing my waist and pulling me onto his lap. Butterfly's erupted in my stomach.

"How was prom? It was brilliant!" I said, replying to some of the questions. Nidal wrapped an arm around my waist and put his controller down.

"Where is Salish? Oh, she's home. I was going to call her soon." I said.

"Are you two together?" Nidal read.

"Next." I said, cutting him off.

"Ooh, interesting question. Well, I get most of my skincare from online, just random shops. I find I don't use drunk elephants." I said, answering multiple questions.

"Maybe we are just friends with benefits." Nidal said.

"Nidal what!" I said laughing.

"Yeah, I do actually go to sephora. I love that place. Even if I don't buy anything, it's like so cool to look around and see all the different stuff it's like my heaven." I said.

"Where's Chelsea? Oh, I'm not sure . Yeah." I said, avoiding the question.

"Oh, we broke up. Y/n was just trying not to be rude and like answering my personal stuff." Nidal said, running his hands through my ponytail.

"Nidal, I swear if you make my hair greasy, I will actually kill you." I said jokingly. He laughed and continued to run his fingers through it.

"It's my birthday today. Can I get a shout-out?" I read.

"Omg, happy birthday, girl! Nidal, say happy birthday!" I said, turning to face him, not realising how close his face was to mine.

"Happy birthday, pookie bear!" He said and laughed. I joined in.

"Guys, got to go soon to have tea, so fire some questions." Nidal said.

"Do you like Nidal? Yes, as a friend, my pookie bear." I said.

"Are you single? Yes, single pringle sitting here." I said, pointing to myself.

"Bye guys, love you!" I said, blowing a kiss, and Nidal ended the live.

I jumped off his lap, and we made our way to eat.

"Ooh, pizza!" I said, sitting down.

We all tucked in, and I chatted to Jiji, and Neshan added some stuff in.

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now