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31st October 1981

AUDREY had never seen sky so dark as on the night of 31st October 1981. Her standing figure made a shadow in one of their lower floor window, her stormy eyes impatiently scanned every direction of the street outside the window, waiting for her husband to come home.

All of their belongings were already packed in two large suitcases, which were bewitched with the Extension Charm. They made sure no trace of them was left – walls were so clean, it looked like no pictures ever hung there and even floors looked as if nothing stood there before.

It took them almost two weeks. They were exhausted, however they knew it was worth it, that they can keep their only child safe and alive until she'll be able to defend herself.

The woman looked away from the window for a moment and put her grey eyes down on her baby. Three year old Y/N was still peacefully sleeping with her small fingers wrapped around a plush phoenix from her grandma. Audrey let out a deep breath and let herself smile for a moment.

"You are just sweet sweet girl, aren't you Y/N?" Audrey asked her sleeping daughter. She then went back to observing the lonely street for her husband.

After few minutes she saw the person she's been waiting for. Her husband walked down the road towards their house. Brown haired woman put Y/N on small blanket on the floor and got prepared with her wand on ready. When she heard three knocks on the wooden door, she went and opened them cautiously.

"Oscar Matthew Tenley when we met for the first time?!" Audrey asked her husband without greeting, hoping she would hear the right answer.

"When I got hurt by the Whomping Willow and you wanted to help me but got hurt too," said the man with a little bit of smile in his voice and Audrey couldn't help but smile too at the memory. „Audrey Maria Tenley what was our first date?" questioned Oscar this time.

"We went to the Honeydukes but I got really bad alergic reaction to peanuts and we ended up in the Hospital Wing," another smile spread on her face while talking about the story. She let Oscar in and gave him gigantic hug.

"Are you alright darling? Are we ready to go?"
Oscar was sad that they have to leave. He thought they would stay in Godric's Hollow forever, but war was there and they couldn't let anything happen to their Y/N.
Dark haired man let go from the hug and went to their daughter, hugged her, gave her kiss on forehead and handed her over to her mother.

"Yes, Oscar, we are ready, we need to go. I have a feeling we're not safe," Audrey also sounded strained. She took Y/N in her arms and held her tightly to her chest hoping that the weird gut feeling was wrong. The man only nodded his head and took both of the suitcases and blanket from the floor. Both adults headed into kitchen where on the round table stood old looking bowl with ornaments.

They stepped around it and looked each other in their eyes, which held sparkles of hope, fear and sadness at same time. With tiny head nod, both of them put their free hand on the bowl and with swishing sound disappeared into thin air.



Hello beautiful souls who started to read this book. I am very happy u decided to go here and read. As I said in start, I'm not native speaker so if u see any mistake please don't be afraid to say it.

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Thank u and see u soon.

with love

— M <3

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