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AOI SIGHED, [M/N] had fallen asleep in the nurses office because he wouldn't let the small male just straight up go out back to class. Especially when he has cuts and bruises that need to be treated. He could take him to the hospital...but it's not worth being away from the poor male. It had reached 3:30, the time when the kids pack up and get ready to go home. But sadly, Aoi knew that Isamu would come. So aoi did what he had to. He picked up the sleeping male that still had bandages on him and left the school building before Isamu could get close to the small male that he was holding.

Aoi held [M/N] close to his body whilst grabbing his bags and outdoor shoes to leave. He sadly couldn't get inside of the curly haired boy's locker, but still left. Aoi made sure to grab anything that was his and [M/N]'s. As the sunset, aoi entered his house. Placing the bags down and running a bath for the still passed out boy. Aoi was concerned, did he not get enough of sleep? It worried aoi while he put the scent of lavender and vanilla in the bath. The black haired male cleaned [M/N] up, not a single weird thought came into his head as he washed the boy's body. After drying the passed out male, he grabbed some clothes that might or might not fit the boy.

Aoi sighed, laying the male down on his bed. He was done dressing him up after the bath. The way those cuts looked awful, those bruises on his stomach made aoi cringe. Aoi places a blanket over the sleeping male who shuffled a bit before relaxing in a certain position. Aoi smiled softly and kissed the forehead of the feminine male who snored softly.

"I'll protect you..."

[M/N] WOKE UP CONFUSED, he wasn't in the nurses office or in isamu's room. So where was he? [M/N] looked down to notice he was wearing plaid pj pants and some black shirt that clearly too big on the small male. "[M/N]? You awake?" A voice called out from outside of the room he was in. Oh god..was he kidnapped?! [M/N] immediately got up and tried to run only for him to fall on his face. The silence was deafening as the door opened up.

"Are you okay??" [M/N] looked up to see a worried aoi who picked him up easily and sat him on the bed. "W-where am I?! W-what happened to me?!" [M/N] looked around frantically before Aoi said and laid the boy down. Aoi placed a blanket over him. "You passed out in the nurses office okay? It's still the day you went to the nurses office. It's just ...I didn't want you to go back to Isamu." [M/N] narrows his eyes. "This is kidnapping!" Aoi cringed at the exclamation but sighed. "Yeah..you may be right but isn't kidnapping evil? I'm doing this for a good reason. Think about it [M/N]. Did I kidnap you, or did I save you?" Aoi said softly.

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