chap. 1

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wowie guys, me starting a new book after a year long hiatus even though i have a bunch of unfinished books? thats so crazy why would you say that... anyways, here's the new book.

(based on the t swift song. read through the lyrics if you havent heard it. alright on with the new story!)


Jimin walks through an unfamiliar part of downtown at 9pm, kicking a rock along the sidewalk underneath the glow of the street lamps. It's a nice quiet night, since Tuesdays are usually dull in terms of night life.

While he's disassociating, he hears the faint sound of a motorcycle engine in the distance. He feels a chill run up his spine but he opts to ignore it. The sound continues to grow until Jimin sees an all black Kawasaki ninja pull around the corner.

The motorcyclist parks across the street, taking a second to look through his phone before taking off his helmet. Jimin squints to try and make out their facial features. He looks at the bike and freezes.

A Motley Crue Live Wire sticker on the left side.

Jimin backs up slowly until he can slip around the nearest corner. He stares at the city lights silently. What just happened? That couldn't have been him. It's just a sticker, right? From a super popular band?

He laughs at himself for making such a stupid assumption and walks back around the corner. He barely manages to catch a glimpse of the motorcyclist walking into something called "The Black Dog". Jimin is just barely able to stop himself from walking across the street and going in.

"It's just a random motorcyclist. Get over yourself..." he mumbles to himself.

He turns around to walk away, opting out of potentially stalking someone who is more than likely a stranger. He only makes it a few steps when he realizes that he has free will and lives in a free country. Maybe... he needs a drink or something. Nothing else.

He looks both ways before jogging across the street. He stops in front of the door with his hand hovering over the doorknob. He gives himself an internal pep talk before walking inside. He scans the bar for anyone he knows, but it's just unfamiliar faces.

Disappointment hits him immediately. He looks over at the bar and shrugs. At least now he has a reason to drink.

He sits down in one of the empty seats and continues to scan the restaurant over and over again.

"Can I get you something?"

All of the alarm bells in Jimin's head go off at once when the voice speaks up from behind him. He turns around slowly, his face beet red. As soon as his eyes meet the bartender's, he realizes he should've just gone home.

The bartender's smile falters as he stops cleaning the glass he's holding. "Jimin..."


"Taehyung, you can't just veto my decision. I'm the only one who really gets to decide if I kill myself or not." Jimin cleans all of the dishes in the sink with a permanently embarrassed expression on his face. "I shouldn't have gone in. He probably thinks I stalked him or something!"

Taehyung sits down on the giant beanbag chair, eating ice cream out of the tub. "Well, you could've at least made an excuse if you hadn't run out the second he recognized you. Why are you so scared of the concept of talking to him? It's been 2 years."

Jimin sets the dish rag down and turns towards him. "Taehyung, he ghosted me out of nowhere the day after telling me that I meant the world to him. I mean, he went completely radio silent! I would've at least appreciated a goodbye..."

Taehyung beckons him over. "Come here and eat this ice cream. You need it more than me."

Jimin plops down next to him, but waves away the ice cream. "Maybe later. I'm too nauseous to eat anything right now. I looked like an idiot. I probably just helped him reconfirm every reason he left me."

"Do you want my advice?"


"Go back and actually talk to him."

Jimin grimaces. "Never mind, your advice sucks."

Taehyung groans and kicks him lightly. "Please go back. I'll even go with you. I just don't want to hear about this for the next 5 months knowing that you didn't even yell at him. You should get some closure."

"I don't know what you think'll happen if I go back. It's highly unlikely that he'll apologize and I don't like causing public scenes."

Taehyung rubs Jimin's back sympathetically. "You'll never know why he left if you don't ask him. Come on, Minnie. I know there's a tiny part of you that's hearing me out right now."

"Maybe an itty bitty part..."

"You better not be busy tomorrow night."

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