Act 1~The unexpected Twist

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You were walking through the cold misty evening of London, you had just gone from eating your masters soul when suddenly garden shears flew past your (H/C) hair sending a chilly sensation to your neck which was a complete opposite of what you were use to.

"William, what can I kindly do for you on this fine evening?" You said mustering up all of your manners.

"I need you to go and find Grell, that useless moron is always being in the way." The famous over worker said.

"Fine, what would you do without me Will?" You said in a joking way, kind of annoyed that you have spend you day finding a grim reaper, when you were hoping to just chill out with you roommate which was also your mentor.

"The last time I saw that red baboon was when he was 'drooling' over that filthy scum of a demon, Sebastian, Who knows how many hours of overtime I'll have to do now?" the work obsessed reaper said with a heavy sigh.

With that said the reaper dashed away, probably off somewhere to sharpen his pencil or to clean his reaper glasses. You ran through the streets of London and ran through the woods that were around the Phantomhive's mansion. If anyone saw you running they could have swore that you were just floating.

The mansion can into view; the mansion was large with white roses. The garden looked nice and beautiful as the full moon shone down on the fountain in the middle of the mansion and reflected on the crystal cleared water.

Once you reached the mansion you were tackled by Pluto, Pluto was one of you best friends, you see you loved dogs and especially wolves. Pluto was in his demon hound form. His large white paws were on your stomach which a human would have surely died as his paws would have broken ribs and restrict a person from breathing. You however you aren't human. Pluto was licking your face with his sandpaper tongue.

"Pluto, down boy, or no treats." You said with a stern voice which made Pluto get own off of you, but he also whimpered in fear of what would happen if he was disobedient.

"(Y/N) oh my sweet (Y/N) just look at my Bassy, his flawless skin which shows of his perfect abs. Oh Bassy my love for you cannot stay hidden. Hold me Bassy and bear my children." The red haired reaper said as he looked into Sebastian's quarters. You sighed knowing you weren't going to get Grell out of his fangirling mode. 'Honestly how can a man, fangirl so much.' You thought.

"Pluto, Can you please pin Grell to the floor while I get Sebastian and rope?" you asked as a plan formed through you head.

You walked to the door expecting the door to be locked, but to your dismay it was actually open. 'Why is it open? Did Sebastian forget to lock it again; seriously he is getting careless in his old age'

Truth told you were about the same age as Sebastian but you would always call him old, he was also one of your comrades, being the same species as him, he was like a brother to you, more of a brother then your actual brother. You guys would make fun of each other and have fun.

As you opened the door, you could hear Grell shrieking.

"Get off me you filthy mutt, Bassy help meh. Ohh why is fate so cruel all I wanted to do was stare at my lover through the window."

The view of the inside was stunning; the floor was sparkling and reflecting any light that was given off by the opening of the door. The china that was in the cabinet and better yet they were not smashed. Thinking of all the times Mey-rin smashed the china.

As you crept up the staircase, you heard snoring coming from the bedrooms which probably came from the servants. 'Now which door is the Crow's?' you thought. You picked the door where you could not hear any snoring. Demons don't need sleep.

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