Y/n's POV:
Several days have passed since we talked about Skynet. my mom and little sister were going crazy over the Tesla cannon I brought back with me. For General Ironwood do not like the fact that I don't hand it over to him. Are now the members of Rainbow and Nighthaven are taking a break from training.
Hibana: I'm tired as hell right now.
IQ: I know what you mean.
Jager: We haven't had a hard training day like this since we arrived here at Remnant.
Valkyrie: Has everyone heard anything about Zero lately?
Y/n: No, kind of thinking about Professor Goodwitch has been asking me if we heard anything from him.
Bandit: I wonder why?
Frost: Maybe she has feelings for him?
Mira: Who knows.
Just then our scrolls started going off. We looked at them and saw we had a message from Harry.
Ela: It's from Harry he says he heard from Zero.
Y/n: Zero must've found where the Amber Ruin is located at.
Termite: Only one way to find out.
3rd POV:
They left the training area to go to the meeting room. When we walked in the meeting room we saw Professor Ozpin, Professor Goodwitch, General Ironwood, Harry, Col. Mitchell, Bowmen, Scarecrow, Schokolade, team STRQ, team RWBY, Winter, the Ace Ops, Captain McDonald and the rest of the Ghosts minus 30k due to him still being in the medical wing.
Ozpin: Sorry for the short notice but we heard from Zero.
Ash: Did he locate where Amber Ruin is being made at?
Harry: Yes it is being manufactured in the area in the south of the kingdom of Mistral.
Qrow: That is not an easy area to be in.
Ruby: How come uncle Qrow?
Qrow: Besides the grimm it is a heavily jungle area with poisonous snakes, full of man eating animals, diseases and also the damn rain. Also there is hardly any areas to get a bullhead in and if you go in by foot you will be walking for days or get lost in.
Capitao: It is starting to sound like the jungles in Brazil.
Maverick: Or like Vietnam.
Nomad (GR): Where at is the Amber Ruin being manufactured located at in the jungle?
Col. Mitchell: It is being manufactured at a warehouse located near a river. The warehouse may have been used for another purpose before making deadly chemical weapons.
Winter: What do you mean another purpose?
Y/n: He's talking about it may have been a drug lab.
Tai: How do you know that Y/n?
Y/n: On Operation Kingslayer in Bolivia the Santa Blanca cartel used the rivers to transport or smuggle out drugs from Bolivia.
Glynda: So they may be using the river to transport the gas?
Y/n: Maybe but the team that is going to watch out for assholes with guns, grimm and the local wildlife in the jungle but boat patrols on the river if they are near the river.
ActionYou are the son of Summer Rose and Qrow Branwen. One day you and your sisters are playing together outside and you ended up going through a portal to earth. After meeting Your adopted family you follow your adopted father footsteps and join the the...