On the look out

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It's Monday and the target is nowhere in sight, at least not until now. Man, this is dumb. I know my therapist told me to do this, but it makes me feel like an idiot. Why should it help me be less stressed when I talk to myself in my head? Well, let's try it. Hello, my name is Hera. Well, it's my code name. I can't tell you my real name, sorry, but it would be a risk to my safety, even though I'm talking to myself (Gods, I feel dumb). Why the name? Well, for one, I'm Greek. Secondly, I love Greek Mythology. Also, I didn't choose that name, but I feel very honored to be called the Goddess of Marriage, Women, and the Queen of the Gods. So that's also the reason I said "Gods." I also believe in the Gods. I'm part of the Special Force called "The Triade." We are a group of special agents who are set to find people who could be or are a threat. Our job is to protect the world from terrorists and prevent wars. Right now, I'm set in this park to watch over a potential terrorist with the name Zeus. Funny if you think about it, I'm spying on my husband. Well, not my husband, I'm single, but still kind of funny but also creepy. Well, back to the topic of the terrorist. We got data that he is trafficking a reason for war. women and selling them on the black market. It may not be war material, but it's still a problem, and we don't know what he needs the money for that he gets from these women. So I'm sitting here talking with myself in my head. "Hey, can I sit with you?" I jumped. Goddammit, I knew the talking in head was no good. I let my guard down. I looked up. There was a tall man with long blond hair in a man bun and mysterious eyes. It was Zeus. Fuck, I didn't even hear him coming. What a spy I am when I didn't even notice the person I was spying on. "Excuse me, miss." "Oh, sorry. Yes, of course, you can sit down," I said and regretted it immediately. I am supposed to spy on him, not sit with him on a bench in a park. "Zeus, and you?" He lifted one of his hands. Is that how he got those women to come with him, being all normal and nice? "Hera," I took his hand. It may be risky, but it's also a way to get to know him and gather some information. "Really? Wow, what a coincidence. But I can understand why you're called after the Goddess of Women," he said. Gods, that was disgusting. "Well, you are the king of the gods and known for your affairs, so?" I said back. "Ha, you know your way around Greek Mythology. Interesting." "It's part of my culture, so yes. And you? Do you have interest in it or just the women in stories?" "Wow, no need to think like that. I'm also interested in mythology, not only in the women, even though you would put Aphrodite to shame," I said. "Hey, do you want me dead? Do you know what Aphrodite does to those who are 'more beautiful' than her?" "No, of course not. But maybe we could continue that talk on another day. I have to go. Maybe meet me at The Grove, maybe around 8 and 9 am. That's one of my usual spots." "Heh, maybe. I'll think about it." "Bye, Hera." "Bye." Well, that was weird, but now I have a connection. But I have a really bad feeling, and Eros won't be happy about it either. Don't ask me why he is called after the Greek god of love. I don't know and don't want to know. I went back to the apartment that Eros and I use as a base. Since Theseus already saw me, if I went after him, he would get suspicious, and it would put the mission in danger. I opened the door and went inside. I put all of my stuff away and went to find Eros sitting at the dining table on his laptop. "Why are you already back, Hera?" he asked. "Did something go wrong? Did Zeus not show?" "No, don't worry, I saw Zeus." "Really? And why are you not following him?" "Would you let me speak?" I snapped. "I'm not following him because I talked with him." WHAT! Hera, you know that you aren't supposed to do that. Your job is to watch him, not have small talk," Eros said. I looked at him with a displeased look. He stopped and said, "Sorry, continue." "Thank you. I talked with him because he approached me while I was thinking and asked me if he could sit with me. If I had said no, it would have looked suspicious. And if he saw me following him to places, it would be even more suspect. But I know where I can meet him again. Maybe I can get some more information about him," I told him. "Well, you're not wrong, but it could be risky, you know. It was already risky to talk to him at all and being alone. He could have done something to you. So next time, you take the mic, okay? So I can listen too and know what's going on," Eros advised. "That sounds good. Well then, tomorrow we need to get to The Grove. He told me that he would likely be there," I said. "Good. You could already think about how you can get him to tell you some more information about him," Eros suggested. "Oh, that will not be a problem. I already have an idea," I replied. "That's perfect," he said, already back to work. I went into my room and got my laptop out so I could write down what I already have and get some information on The Grove. Man, it's now nearly 3 AM. I already got the information that I need, and I should be sleeping, but something is keeping me awake, and I don't really know what. I just can't stop thinking about Zeus, against it. Gods, this is so frustrating. and I don't even know what it is. Every time I close my eyes, he is there, and I just can't do anything
I still have a weird feeling, and to my luck, there is another feeling that just doesn't want to go. It's in my guts, my stomach, and in my chest. I don't know how to describe it. It hurts but also doesn't. It's like everything is getting pulled together but also like everything just went weak. And to top it off, it always appears when I think about Zeus and his deep eyes and beautiful hair. Wait, what? I sound like a teenager crushing over a boy. That isn't right. I don't have feelings for a terrorist. I didn't think about that way? him that way when I got home. Why is it starting now? What did he do to me that I think about him
Not to sound like a woman who tries to hide her feelings, but I genuinely don't have feelings for him. I didn't have a crush even in elementary school. I tried to let myself think that I had feelings about a boy, but I only did it to fit in. I never had feelings, not in middle school, high school, college, or anywhere. Yeah, I kissed some guys or even girls, but that was because I wanted to see if I maybe needed a kickstart so that I could feel what the other girls describe as butterflies in their stomach. But it never happened, and to be honest, I don't even really know what love is supposed to feel like. I mean, the feeling of butterflies is not really explanatory. It's not like I don't want it or that I never experienced love. I love my family, my friends. I love reading about the love stories of Greek heroes. But I never really felt deeper emotions than that for my family. So this situation is weird. Not like maybe I have feelings, but more of a this is not normal and it isn't right situation. I need to get to the bottom of this and fast because I don't think that this is the end of the feeling.
Well, since I can't sleep, I might as well read. Maybe that will help. Reading did not help. I slept for nearly an hour, and that's because my body could not possibly keep my eyelids open. But hey, I slept. I just need to get through this day. That means a lot of coffee, and maybe, just maybe, I'll survive today.
It's now 6 AM, and I went to go shower. The warm water didn't do much about the feeling of being tired but having too much energy to sleep. As I finished, I looked into the mirror. "Wow, I don't even look tired or like I just slept for an hour. WTF," I said to myself. I dried myself and went into my clothes. Just something classy, some jeans and a little oversized t-shirt. The Grove is a café, so I don't need to dress rich. After all that, I went into the kitchen. I looked around and, not surprisingly, saw no one. Eros isn't really a morning person, so I started making breakfast. As I finished eating, Eros got into the kitchen. "Oh wow, you finally woke up. Will you remind me what time we have?" I said jokingly. "Good morning to you too, Hera," he said, still half-asleep. "Breakfast is in the pan. I will gather my things in 2 hours. We need to get going to the Grove. We can't lose Zeus now." "Urg, yeah yeah, got it," he said annoyed. I just rolled my eyes at him and went back into my room to gather everything I needed and started to get the mice ready. It was now 7:20 and everything is ready. I'm just waiting for Eros. That man needs longer than every woman that I know. "Ready," he shouted. "Finally, then let's go." "Hey, what do you mean by finally? I only took about 30 minutes." "Yeah, and I took about 10. See the difference?" "Wow, just because you don't have a skincare routine and don't care about having bad skin doesn't mean I do." "First of all, I have perfectly good skin since I don't need makeup to cover up my pimples, which I also don't have. And I don't use skincare because it makes my skin flare up. It's not like an allergic reaction, just may fast get really warm and light red, so I don't use it." "Lucky, and I don't use makeup to cover up pimples. I use makeup because it makes me feel good." That's how our conversation went until we got to the café. We parked, and I got in while Eros stayed in the car. "Mics work? Can you hear me?" "Loud and clear." "Good, then let's see he told me the truth." "Good luck." I went inside. There were plants and bushes nearly everywhere. It's really cozy. I'm surprised that I don't come here often. This would be the perfect spot to read and do some work. Anyway, back to the mission. I saw Zeus sitting at one of the tables with a view outside. As I stopped near his seat, I cleared my throat, and he looked up. "Ah, Hera, was it? It's nice that you actually got here. So interested to talk to me?" "Well, I liked our conversation yesterday and wanted to continue. Why so surprised? Get rejected that often?" "Ha, no, but you just didn't look like you liked me. So a little surprised, but also happy. I like our conversation too." Oh, ew. Don't know about you, but I don't like this. Come on, Hera, pull yourself together. It's for the safety of the traffic. Woman, Eros, I'm sorry, you need to hear this. "Well, I thought maybe we could, you know, get to know each other more. I mean, the only thing I know about you is your name and that you find me good-looking," I told him. "Well, fine. Like you said, you already know my name. Zeus. I'm 25 right now. I'm single. I work for multiple charities..." Charities, my ass. "And I have two brothers." "Oh wow, really? Let me guess, they're called Poseidon and Hades?" "Ha, you guessed it. I don't really know why my parents called us that, but can't really ask them now." Oh no, I know where this is going. Gods, no. Please don't do this to me. "They died when I was younger." Oh goddammit. "Oh, I'm so sorry for you. That must have been really hard for you and your brothers." "Thank you, but it was a long time ago, and me and my brothers don't talk that much anymore. But enough about me, what about you?" Oh no. "So, my name is Hera, but you know that already. I'm 27, also single, and I don't have any siblings, but my friends could be called my siblings." "Well, that sounds nice." "Yea, I'm really lucky to have them," I told him. It was the truth, well, kind of. I am really lucky to have them, but sometimes I feel like I don't really belong in their friend group. It's like I'm an object that gets used when needed, and only then. But he doesn't have to know that... We talked for like an hour before I just couldn't stand it anymore. I told him that I had an appointment and needed to go. But before I could go, he stopped me and said to wait. He scribbled something on a piece of paper. Where he got that from, I don't know. "Here's my phone number, just text me when you can." "Oh, thank you, I will," I lied sweetly and took the number. "Have a wonderful day, Hera." "Yeah, you too," I told him more quietly, walking away. As I got into the car, Eros asked me, "God, what was that?" "Don't ask me. That man is more disgusting than anything I know." "Was your first meeting with him like that too?" "Sadly, yes." "Oh wow, he really takes after his name, huh?" "It seems like it." "Ok, well, I got everything recorded so we have some information." "And we have this," I lifted the piece of paper with his phone number. "Yeah, but if you ask me, I really have a bad feeling." "Me too, buddy, me too." We drove off. Why does Zeus seem so normal, like he really just wants a friend? Is he lonely? Do we have the wrong man? No, nope, nada. Don't think like that. He is a terrorist. He just wants me to be his next victim, to be sold. Why in all of Gaia do I think like that? I know he is a terrorist. Why would I think he needs friends and feel bad for him? Something is clearly wrong, and I don't know what, but we need to get to the bottom of it.

Ich stoppe diese Geschichte an diesem Punkt, Ich will nur sagen das ich diese Namen von Griechischen Göttern nur benutze weil Griechische Mythologie einer meiner Großen Interessen ist. Ich habe nicht vor sie mit dieser Geschichte irgendwie auszunutzen das gleiche gilt für die Vorherige Geschichte wo ich die Namen Apollo (Gott der Sonne, Der Musik, der Medizin usw) und Hekate ( Göttin der Magie) benutzt habe. Ich habe diese Namen benutzt weil dieses Geschichte Schreiben mein Weg ist meine Interessen zu zeigen da ich diese nicht auf dem gleichen Level mit Familie oder Freunde Teilen kann. In der Geschichte sind nur die Tittel der Götter richtig der Rest ist aus Meiner Fantasie oder aus eigener Erfahrung geschrieben. Ich hoffe das man den roten Faden dieser Geschichte folgen konnte und das sie Spaß gemacht hat weil sie zu schreiben war mir eine freude

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