Oh Nothing. One Direction, Murder/horror story.

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Harry:::::: Prequel...2 years ago.

"That was a great show!" Louis says as we walk into the tour bus. "I esp-" He gets cut off by Liam.

"I hear something," he says. We listen and hear a faint sob.

"It's coming from the bed area," Niall whispers. We creep over, my hands trembling. It could be a killer, or maybe a ghost. I turn the handle and get shoved in. On the floor crying is a teenage girl.

"Um hi," I say. She looks up her eyes blood red from crying.

"W-who ar-re y-y-you?" she asks.

"I'm Harry," I say, "This is Liam, Louis, Zayn and Niall. Who are you?" I ask.

"I-I'm Kelcy," she responds.

"Why are you crying?" I ask.

"I-I-I w-was..." She can't finish, she bursts out in tears.

"Hey, hey, hey its ok we won't hurt you," Liam says walking into the 'room'. Kelcy look at him.

"Mramed," She mumbles.

"Sorry what?" Zayn asks. Then it hits me.

"Who?" I ask.

"My dad," She replies. Liam stares at me in confusion.

"When?" I ask.

"Almost... Five months." She says playing with her hair.

"Did he..." Liam chips in.

"No," Kelcy whispers.

"Um. I still don't get what's going on." Louis says from the door way. Liam quickly explains it to him.

"Holy shit woman!" Louis yells. "I'm so sorry! Please we'll protect you!" He finishes.

"Thanks," She mumbles.

(Few weeks later)

"Kelcy?" I ask walking into the empty bus. I can't remember where the boys went, or if they left.

"Please don't we, we trusted you," Someone says from behind a closed door. I run over and slowly open the door. What I see makes my heart drop. Kelcy stands in between the door and my friends. A knife in between them.

"How nice of you to join us, Harry. Just in time to watch Louis," she grabs his throat, "die." She finishes staving the knife into his stomach; a dark liquid rises from the wound. I freeze. He makes no sound, our eyes make contact.

"Oops," He says.

"Hi," I reply tears welling up in my eyes. Louis' eyes roll back and he slumps to the floor. I let the tears fall.

The Louis William Tomlinson lay at my feet. My best friend, dead. No words come out. No words but, 'hi' and 'oops', but those are only a memory. The first words we ever said to each other became our last. I look at Kelcy, the girl we trusted. The girl who pretended to be on the run. The girl who killed my best friend.

"Why did you do that?" I ask my voice shaky.

"Because I had to. In case you haven't noticed I'm not actually pregnant, I was sent here to do something. He got in my way," She says pointing to Louis, blood stains his shirt. He's facing up; I look at his eyes, closed. I wait for them to open. When they don't I know he's gone.

"I'll miss you brother," I whisper.


Authors noteee.

Did you like this? I think it was kinda sad.... Sorry to all the Louis girls out there! But..... I'm a writer who loves to put fantasy into my stories to. Meaning Louis will be in the story just as a ghost or fairy or even a unicorn! (Probably not a unicorn)

This story cane to me in a dream, I have weird dreams..... Ok please comment and fav.

More coming very soon.


New Authors Note [5/25/2014]

Ah! look at that! All nicely edited!

Maybe after I edit this book it wont be confusing..

I like that idea.

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