14. A New Reality.

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Vampires, werewolves, banshees, sirens. Was any of it real? And if they were, what separated fact from fiction, the bad and the good, myth from truth?

Trixie would've answered this question with a weary, 'I don't know'  once upon a time. 

But right now, sat on the white couch, in the vast living room of the Cullen residence, Trixie was in the grey area between, 'I don't know' and 'yes, of course they are'.


The two parts of her brain were at war with one another. The rational side dictated that there was no way in hell Vampires existed, that they were myths made up by people like Bram Stoker so that they could scare people.  Vampires only existed in fiction, they existed on Halloween in fake pointed teeth and dark capes.

But the side that was processing everything that had just happened in that short span of time, agued otherwise. Could Vampires really be the only explanation? Surely not.

"Unfortunately, it is." Edward's voice coaxed Trixie out of her inner monologue. Her mind had never been this clear to him. 


"Vampires is the only explanation." Edward corrected, answering her question out loud.

Trixie's mind raced; either she looked that confused that it spurred him to rectify himself, or that was something else entirely. 

This had to be a joke. Vampires weren't real, something that was immortal couldn't exist. 

Sure the siblings were cooler than human temperature and they always looked ill, but that could be down to poor blood circulation, or an iron deficiency. She hadn't seen any other strange things physically; other than the fact that twice now, the Cullens had heard something she hadn't.

First, Theo in the kitchen, he found something utterly hilarious after appearing to be listening to something that, for whatever reason, Trixie couldn't hear herself. The second instance happening mere hours ago, Trixie assumed that Rose was muttering herself, and over the rushing water Trixie couldn't really hear much anyway; but it felt too much of a coincidence that the moment Trixie couldn't hear was Rosalie had to say, Alice seemed to appear out of no-where. 

But there could be reasonable explanations for both instances, just none that came to her mind right now.

Sure, they're all supposedly adopted and yet look eerily related, but they could still be connected through different family lines, or while half of the siblings could be blood related - the portion that were adopted could just so happen to share the same gene that caused the golden eyes.

But, the thing she had seen with Rosalie; the doe, the blood. Nothing could explain that.


'Vampires? The mythical creatures that suck blood and burn in the sun? You want me to believe that, that is what you are?'  Her hands moved steadily.

Hazel eyes travelled across the room to Theo as he let out a tired sigh. 

"Why does everyone believe that we burn in the sun?" He muttered before facing Edward, a look of exasperation upon his face.

There was a moment of silent communication between the two brothers before Theo nodded and his eyes closed, a look of concentration crossing his features.

Before Trixie could even begin to question what her friend was doing, at high speed a small chopping knife launched its way across the room, it would have embedded itself into the wall in front of the human girl if Theo hadn't of caught it by the blade just in time. 

A gasp emitted from plump lips as Trixie sprang up from her seat, hurriedly making her way to where Theo was now standing; his pale hand still clutching the silver metal in his fist as if it was the most normal thing ever. 

Small hands grasped at the tightly clenched fist; gentle, slightly calloused fingers pried apart cold ones with surprising ease. 

Where human eyes had expected to see a gaping wound, with blood clotting the cut flesh and staining her friends pale skin, there was nothing but smooth, cold skin. 

Hazel eyes widened, a sharp intake of breath rattled around the room, disturbing the silence. 

"I've been alive since sixteen - ninety-seven, Carlisle found me dying of smallpox in a small house just outside of Boston, I was twenty." Theo began softly, telling his dear friend his story in hopes of gaging some kind of a reaction out of the stilled girl. The more he searched, the more she gave him a reaction; she was listening, white knuckling his open hand while she processed.

"I had a fiancé, her name was Anne, but I got sick and she had to leave, I tried searching for her after it  happened, but apparently I was too late, she'd died." His face turned forlorn, his gaze distant in reminiscence.

"I travelled after that, turns out my Anne was a pirate, Trixie. A pirate! Would you believe it? I tried it myself, the pirate life, but turns out, Vampires," his free hand gestured to himself and Edward, "not so great at being pirates, well, minus the immortality of course." He shook their conjoined hands, bringing them higher up into the air. A gesture to his somehow un-injured hand.

Theo's bright grin had returned, throughout his story, Trixie had begun to look at him in wonder.  She was even surprising herself with how, not-panicked she was.

Shaking the reprimanding thoughts away, Trixie loosened her grip upon her friend, before reaching up and taking Theos' necklaces in between her fingertips.  Her curious gaze locked on the coin and ring. 

"Oh, these? Well, the ring was my Ma's, I proposed to my Anne with it, she had left it behind when she left. The coin is from once of my adventures." Theo's, explanation was brief but enough. 

Trixie breathed in deeply, the air held within her lungs comfortably, head held high and shoulders back.  Taking a step back, Trixie made eye contact with her friends.

"Vampires?"  Her hands were steady, and gaze was un-wavering. 

They nodded, "Vampires."


Bum, bum, bummmm!

There we have it, Trixie and the vampire reveal - I get that it might be a bit anti-climactic for some, but you have to understand that Trixie is comfortable with the Cullens because of the unknown bond between them (unknown of her part), she trusts them.  She's their friend and she's loyal.

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