Amp Squad

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"Y/n want to come with me? Brent asked if we wanted to be in his video with amp squad. Did you hear about them?" Nidal asked, popping his head around my door.

"Yeah, I can come. Isn't that Lexi Rivera, Dom Brack, Liv, Andrew Davila, Pierson, and Brent?" I replied, touching up on my makeup.

"Yes, we leave in ten minutes." He said and disappeared behind the door.

I finished my makeup quickly and straightened my hair.

I was wearing baggy blue jeans and a white crop top. I got my grey zip-up hoodie and threw it on before running to my shoes and slipping them on.

"Woah, you're actually ready on time!" Nidal said as I got into the car.

"Yeah, I know!" I said, smiling.

"Most girls take that the wrong way." Neshan said and started the car.

"Yeah, well, I'm not like other girls!" I said in a cringy, high-pitched voice.

"Stop you're reminding me of thus gurl I used to sit next to in math!" Nidal groaned, clutching his head.

I laughed and took out my phone, checking my messages.

"Are we doing anything tomorrow?" I asked, looking up from my phone.

"Yeah, we are doing something." Nidal said.

"Oh, okay, what?" I questioned, looking back down at my phone to reply to Salish.

"Salish can come. I'm guessing she asked if you were free?" Nidal said.

"Yes. Okay, I will tell her, but what is it?" I said again.

"Just you wait and see." Nidal said.

We arrived at the warehouse, and I hopped out of the car and walked around to Nidal.

"He wants to do girls vs boys on strength and gymnastics. He asked for you to do the gymnastics and me to do strength. You are in the first half of the video, and I'm just judging, okay?" He explained as we walked towards the door.

"Right!" I responded, nodding my head and opening the door.

"Hey guys!" Brent said, sitting down on a sofa.

"Omg, you're Y/n you are gorgeous!" Lexi said, walking over and giving me a hug.

"I like you." I said, and everyone laughed.

"So Y/n I'm sure Nidal has explained everything we had Neshan bring over your gymnastics stuff. Do you want to change now?" Brent said, handing me a target bag with my stuff in.

"Sure where?" I said.

"Lexi, can you take her to the bathroom and wait with her?" Brent said.

"Yes, come on!" She said.

"I'm coming too!" Pierson said and hurried over to walk next to me.

"So I was thinking girl to girl you let us win some stuff?" Pierson said jokingly.

"Pierson!" Lexi laughed.

"Yeah, there's no way I'm gonna crush you guys!" I said, joining in with Lexis laughter.

"Okay, here's the bathroom call. If you need anything, we will be waiting here." Lexi said, opening the door and turning the light on. I nodded and walked in, closing the door behind me.

I put on my blue leotard and my Nike shorts over.

I put my hair up in a ponytail and put my Nike socks on before stepping out of the bathroom.

"Wow, you look professional. I'm scared!" Pierson said.

"You should be." Lexi said.

We went back and got into the car to go to the gym.

When we arrived, Brent explained everything, and we started on the video.

"Okay, guys, so the first thing is you can't do gymnastics wearing that!" I said, pointing to them.

"Here, I have some leotards for all of you as well as some shorts." I said, chucking leotards at them.

"Andrew, Brent and Dom, you will be wearing these." I handed them three bright pink leotards with sparkles and gems stuck on to form the shape of a unicorn.

The girls burst out laughing and mocked them.

They got changed and came out.

"Okay, guys, you look great, so the first challenge is to do the best tumbling pass. One person from each team." I said.

"Okay, Pierson, you are up!" Lexi said, shoving Pierson forward.

"Okay, what's a tumbling pass cos I'm ready!" Pierson said.

Dom stood forward.

"This." I said and then ran into a round off three backhandsprings and a simple flip.

"Yeah, well, I'm out!" Pierson said, putting her hands up. Whilst Dom stood there looking amazed yet terrified.

We finished after three hours, and the girls had won by one extra point.

"Alright Y/n you were brilliant! Next week, do you want to do kids vs adults on gymnastics? You and Nidal can be a team, and all of us will be a team as we need as much help as we can get!" Brent said.

"Of course I would love to. Today has been so fun!" I said, nodding. Brent clapped his hands.

"Bye Y/n, thanks for the number. I can't wait to see you again!" Lexi said, squeezing my hand. I hugged her and then the other girls and high five the boys before saying goodbye and going back.

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