Chapter four: questioning

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WARNING ⚠️ : this chapter is really deep and contains cutting I will warn you when it starts getting sad. Drinking and Also swear words.

I DON'T condone drinking and cutting.

Aaryns POV:

I watched Caroline walk away. I was hurt by her words not because I cared for her but because I knew that no one would enjoy being around me anyway. I let out a sigh and start walking towards the bus stop.

Well, I do have to talk to Mark about the Neon case. That will be a good distraction from my thoughts and mind. The bus arrives and I get on. After about 35 minutes and a five-minute walk, I'm at the office.

I walk up to the front desk. "Hey, Mrs Senvyl, what can I do for you?" Kristen asks. "Hello, Mrs. Tibby, can you tell me if Mark Defsman is at work today?" I asked. "Well, he came in about 7:45 this morning. But may I ask why you ask for him?"

"Well, the murder case I was working on ended up involving the most wanted murderer in England Neon so since he's the only person in this office who has worked with one of her cases I wanted to talk to him."

"Oh wait really I've heard of so many cases involving her but none really in detail" "Okay thanks for the information but I have someone to interview so see you later Mrs. Tibby" "Bye Mrs. Senvyl"

I walk to the elevator and press the button to the third floor. When I get to the third floor I walk out and head down a hallway at the end of the hallway is Mark's office. I knock on the door three times. I hear a voice.

"Come in" I open the door, step in, and close the door. I look around to see the man I was searching for sitting at his desk. The brown-haired blue-eyed 6,3-foot man sitting there asks "Who are you and what can I do for you"

"I'm Aaryn Senvyl and I'm one of the detectives working at this office. I'm here to ask about your experience working with a Neon case Mr Defsman" I truthfully answered. "Ah, I see those Neon cases don't go unnoticed. But why the sudden interest now the case I worked with was over a year ago? Also, you can just call me Mark."

"Just came back from a murder scene that involved Neon and was curious as to what the murder scene you worked with was like compared to mine" "Well if that's the case what do you want to ask?" "Well, first of all, was there a lack of evidence at the scene?"

"Yes there was, it seems to be a recurring thing annoyingly enough. I was curious at the time and reached out to the people dedicated to working on catching her. They said that it was one of the most annoying things with working with her is the lack of evidence."

"Did she leave a snarky comment or something similar on a piece of paper?" "No not in my case but seems like she does that quite often." "Well, I don't really have other questions except one left." "Sure spit it out."

"was the scene extremely bloody?" "Nope, a bullet to the heart has limits to how bloody it can be." "well that was the last question so I'll take my leave now. might see you later Mark." "might see you later too Aaryn"

And with that, I left his office and walked back to my office. I sit down and start working on some paperwork I had. Fast forward and it's 16:20 and I'm done with the paperwork and putting things back where they are supposed to be.

I finish up and head out of the office and to the bus stop. The bus arrives and I take it home. I walk from the bus stop to my house, unlock the front door, and walk in. I sigh and close the door.


Sir, why would you put me with someone like her? She's just an ass. Fuck, you. Asshat. Finally, I can get away from you. You're just a sad grumpy ass temperamental cold tower of insanity. Who in their right mind would ever be friends with you?

You should just go die in a cold ditch somewhere. Did your parents ever love you? You're a disgrace to humanity. Caroline's voice rang through my head. I felt tears running down my face because I knew she was right. Soon enough my own voice joined in.

I'm stupid an absolutely terrible person who deserves no love ever and I am the ugliest person ever both on the inside and the outside a tall narcissistic pessimistic asshole,

I couldn't take it I ran the the kitchen and grabbed a knife and pulled up my sleeves and started cutting small lines into the skin on my left wrist. There ended up not being enough space on my left wrist so I switched over to my right wrist.

When I was done I looked at the kitchen counter only to see a pool of blood roughly the size of a kitchen pan. I walked over to the downstairs bathroom, took out the first aid kit from under the sink, and took out some bandages.

I cleaned up my cuts and put on the bandages. I put the bandages and first Aid kit back and walked to the kitchen and cleaned up the blood I decided to not eat because I didn't feel like I deserved it.

I took out some vodka from the fridge and walked upstairs to my bedroom. I sat there crying for two hours. Before deciding to drink myself to sleep.

Word count: 933

Question what do you think of the story so far? I'm also queries if anyone is reading this

Welp that's all for today fellas hope you enjoyed and please come back for more.

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