I'm Not OK

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Link stalked forward with his sword in hand, inching towards Zelda. She didn't notice. Link brought down his sword, slashing through her. Drops of red liquid splattered everywhere.


"Link! You are our light! The light that must shine upon Hyrule once again."


A dragon. Lazily drifting through the sky, all alone. Never to return to earth again.


Link jolted out of bed, his face sweaty and cold. Shivering, he shook his head. These night terrors were getting worse every day. The moon was still up high. Sighing, Link got out of bed. He might as well start his day, if all he was going to have were nightmares when he went to sleep. Wanting some peace from his thoughts, Link slowly pushed open his door and crept past Rusl and Colin's rooms. Trying his hardest not to make a sound, he reached the front door. Pushing it open, he stepped out into the night. A cool, fresh breeze ruffled through his hair. The night was refreshing. Link took a deep breath. Calm down. He wasn't in Hyrule anymore. He didn't need to worry about it. But you do! Insisted a nagging thought in the back of his mind. It's your fault! You're the Hero! You need to fix your mistakes! But all he did was make mistakes! How could he fix them? Link pushed the voice out of his head as he walked down towards the river. He was nothing but a burden to Hyrule. Sitting down by the river, he began to cry. Tears dripped down his face as he thought about how much of a failure he was. Link dipped his hand into the river and cupped some water into his palms. He splashed the river water into his face, not wanting anyone to see his tears.

"Link! What are you doing out here this early?"

Link whipped around, startled. Ilia was standing behind him, her hand reaching out for his shoulder. Wiping his face on his sleeve, Link quickly backed away from Ilia, tripped over a rock, and fell backwards into the river. Ilia knelt down and offered a hand to help him up, as he madly scrambled away from her. "Link?" Ilia looked at him questioningly. "What's going on? Are you okay?"

Link finally managed to stand up and right himself. "NO! I'M NOT OKAY!" He shouted, his voice grainy and rough from disuse. He hadn't spoken for over a century. "I'M A FAILURE! A STUPID WORTHLESS FAILURE!" Ilia looked taken aback by this sudden outburst. Link covered his mouth, ashamed of what he had just done. He really was just a burden. So, yet again, he did the only thing he could.

He ran.

The Legend of Zelda: Holding Out For a HeroWhere stories live. Discover now