The Elder Tree

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He jumped.

Placing his trust completely in Rauru, Link jumped. He closed his eyes, afraid to look down. He felt the cool air rushing through his hair as he fell eternally downwards. Sensing that he was close to the end of his fall, Link leaned down and covered his face with his hands, expecting the worst. But it never came. 

He plunged into a vast, deep, lake full of cool water. Opening his eyes now that his death was not imminent, he swam slowly up through the water. Popping his head out above the water, he gasped for breath. After his lungs had been filled with air, Link looked around. As he had thought, he had landed on one of the lower sky islands. Luckily, he wasn't dead like he had also thought.

But he was soaking wet. And his whole body ached from the height of the fall. Link gave up on reaching the shore and just laid back, floating there like a starfish. He heaved a sigh. The past few days had gone by so fast, and he was already back in Hyrule.  Link stared up into the beautiful blue heaven above. He had wasted enough time. he had a job to do. Besides, the water was starting to get uncomfortable. 

Stretching as best as he could in the water, Link started to doggy paddle to the shore. He reached out to the shore, which was a huge slab of rock, and climbed over onto the warm stone. Rolling over, he spread out to soak in the warmth of the sun. The heat felt so good. He just wanted to sleep here for awhile. As he started to nod off, Link felt a tap on his shoulder. Jolting up, he whipped his head around to face....Rauru. Link sighed. He had been jumped a little too often in these past few weeks. 

Rauru smiled. "I see you've been through quite the wringer! You must be tired. I have the perfect thing for you." He gestured towards the other sky islands, "There are shrines filled with holy light placed around these islands. They will give some strength to your new arm."

Link gasped. He had completely forgotten about his arm! Looking where Rauru had gestured, something huge stood out in his vision.

Looking closer, he realized it was a tree. A massive tree the size of Death Mountain. It stood towering overhead, higher than the other sky islands. Its branches twisted in the slight breeze, and its leaves sported many different shades of yellow, much like a tree in fall.

Link glanced over at Rauru questioningly. 

Rauru thought for a few moments before he spoke. "The Elder Tree. The last good one of its kind. All others have turned to the Demon King. He's been here for longer that even I can tell." Looking down at Link, he suddenly looked very serious. "And I believe you've met the most despicable one of all." Rauru sighed.

"His son, the Great Deku Tree."

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