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"Y/N!" I hear to muffled voices shout.


"I feels so warm..." I thought to myself as everything was black around me.

"Is this how ends? At least it was protecting the people I care about." I thought as I closed my eyes

"Meli..." I thought as memories of me and him came to mind.


Me and Meliodas were running from Ban who had marker all over his face. We decided to draw on his face while he was asleep.

"Meli! He's gaining on us!" I shout as I look over my shoulder and saw Ban getting closer, Meliodas then grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder and started running faster.

"Cap'n! N/N! Get your asses back here!" Ban shouted. He eventually caught us a drew on our faces.

~End of Memory~

I smiles at the memory remembering that day, that was the day I told Meliodas and Merlin about my feelings for Ban.

"Merlin.." I thought as a memory of me and her came to my mind.


I was watching looking at Ban while him and the captain were drinking.

"So, when you gonna tell him~?" I heard someone say from beside me, I screamed and fell off the stool I was on, I looked up and saw Merlin smirking at me.

"Merlin! Don't ever do that again" I said as I got up and sat back down on the stool.

"And I don't know when I'm gonna tell him..." I said looking down, she rubbed my back.

"It's gonna be okay.." She said smiling softly at me, I looked up and her and gave her small smile.

~End of Memory~

I smiled at that memory, Merlin has always been a older sister figure to me.

"Veronica..., Elizabeth..., and Margaret..." I thought as I thought about my younger sisters.


"Y/N!" I heard two voices scream my name, I turned around and saw two little girls one with violet hair and light brown eyes and the other one had silver hair and blue eyes, two of my younger sisters, Veronica and Elizabeth.

"Yes you two?" I asked them they ran behind me and I saw who they were running from, it was another little girl she had light purple hair and light brown eyes, Margaret, my other younger sister.

"Veronica! Ellie!" She shouted as she stopped in front of me looking at the two girls behind me.

"What did they do this time?" I asked her.

"We told her and Gilthunder they were going to get married and have 25 kids when they are older!" Veronica said from behind me, I looked down at the violet haired girl and just laughed softly.

"That's gonna be you and Giramore too~" I said in a teasing tone causeing her face to go red and Elizabeth laugh softly, i picked the small girl up and grabbed Veronica's hand and Margaret grabbed Veronica's hand and we started heading back to the castle.

~End of Memory~

I laughed lightly at that memory.

"I'm gonna miss those three and father, but at least I'll be with mother.." I thought to myself and I let my mind play another memory.


"Y/N, sweetie, we have some news." A sweet angelic voice says, I looked up and saw mother and father.

"Yes?" I asked them curious

"You're gonna be a older sister!" Mother said happily. A smiles appeared on my face and I started jumping around, I hugged mother and father.

"I'm so excited to have a baby sibling!" I said happily jumping up and down.

~End of Memory~

"That's when I found out mother was pregnant with Margaret..." I thought as I smiled, I was so happy when I found out she was pregnant.

My mind started playing another memory...


"Do you two give up?" I asked the two siblings in front of me and Meliodas.

"No!" The little girl shouted as she held her wooden sword tighter.

"You got some spirit Little Yana, is the because of the little blonde boy I see you hang out with?" I asked her smirking, she turned red.

"N-no!" She said as she looked down at the sword in front of her.

"Aww young love" I said as I sighed out.

"Little Gil, if you want to protect the girl you like you're gonna have to train harder." I heard Meli tell Little Gil.

"Right!" He shouted with determination.

~End of Memory~

"That was the day me and Meli told them the secret words..." I thought to myself.

Another memory played...


"King!" Me and Diane shouted, the three of us decided to play hide and seek for some reason, and we were looking for King, I saw him in a bush and started pretending I didn't know where he was.

"I wonder were he could be...hmmmm" I said going behind the bush he was in.

"Aha!" I shouted scaring him, he screamed liked a little girl.

The rest of the time we had so much fun, laughing and just playing around.

~End of Memory~

I let out a small laugh remembering how King screamed like a girl and me and Diane just laughed at him and he went red from embarrassment.

"That was a fun day..." I thought to myself and smiled.

Another memory played...


"N/N~" A drunk Ban said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Yes Ban?" I asked taking a sip from my drink.

"Did you know you're really pretty~" He said, I started to blush like crazy.

"Like your eyes are so pretty that I can get lost in them, your hair is so soft and it smells so good, like everything about you is so perfect..." He whispered, I was blushing even more.

"B-ban..." I said and I heard snoring, I looked over and saw him asleep, I softly smile.

~End of Memory~

"I'll never be able to tell him how I feel..." I thought as I started tearing up.

"I love you so much Ban..." I mumbled, I started crying.

"Y/N!" I heard a voice shout in the distance.

"Who's that..?" I thought, the voice was getting closer and I saw a light.

"Y/N!" I heard a familiar voice shout and I opened my eyes.

𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒟ℯ𝒶𝓉𝒽 |||| A Ban fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now