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I have no right to speak of Narcissa Black Malfoy as if she were mine, or as if she lived within me, but of all the wonderful characters that populate the magical universe of Harry Potter, she is the one who has fascinated me the most since her first appearance. She has never been a minor character, not for me: I have always looked for her in every book written by J.K. Rowling. I wanted to know more, I wanted her to be the protagonist. It is difficult to explain the reasons, but I will try.

Narcissa is above all human, with her flaws and her merits. Like all the people in the world, I would say. In my life I have met many more Malfoys than Weasleys, and I am sure that the same is true for you. Perhaps this is why Narcissa immediately seemed very familiar to me. Little or nothing is said about her, yet I felt like I knew her well. There was something authentic about her. I understood that she was not a good person but, as Sirius says to Harry: "the world is not divided between good people and Death Eaters, we all have both light and darkness within us". And when I read about Narcissa I did not only see her bad side, but also, and above all, her great love for her family.

I have no right to speak of Narcissa as if she were mine, or as if she lived within me, but that's how I feel, especially every time I take my son Liam, a beautiful four-year-old boy, in my arms and think that I would even be ready to lie to Lord Voldemort to protect him.

The books, I said, talk little about Narcissa, and in 2007 I started to write (and publish online) stories about her. I wanted to give her the space she deserved. Then "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" came out in theaters and Helen McCrory arrived, and I fell in love with the character even more. Helen gave Narcissa a face, a voice, a dignity, a new depth.

So I collected all my notes and revised them until I gave birth to this fanbook. I did it for Narcissa, for Helen, and also a little for myself. I like to think that Helen McCrory would have liked this story, and I know for sure that she would have made it perfect in a movie.

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