Character Information

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This fanfic will include Fakemon, Male Character Insert, Custom Gimmick, and more. This is my first fanfic and some things might be incorrect. Please feel free to point it out or ask questions. (Depending on what the question is) ill be happy to answer. now onto the important part of this chapter.

Name: Avery

Age: uhh.....

Info: Avery comes from a far off region. He's came to Kanto to join a local school called Indigo Academy. Avery is a friendly boy with a determined spirit as he and his Pokémon always put forth 110%. Avery also seems to be connected to many people around each region somehow despite his youthful age.

Avery's Pokémon

Kirlia: This Pokémon tends to be quite a silent and nervous one among Avery's Pokémon team

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Kirlia: This Pokémon tends to be quite a silent and nervous one among Avery's Pokémon team. Despite this however Kirlia definitely packs a punch in terms of her special attack

Current moves: Confusion, Calm Mind, Disarming Voice, Teleport

Ampharos: Ampharos used to be Avery's father's Pokémon before he passed during Avery's early childhood

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Ampharos: Ampharos used to be Avery's father's Pokémon before he passed during Avery's early childhood. From that day forward Ampharos and Avery grew a special bond that couldn't be broken. This Pokémon is Avery's ace

Current moves: Thunder, Dragon Pulse, Thunder Punch, Dragon Cheer

Larvesta: This Pokémon was a fairly new addition to Avery's roster and Larvesta tends to be reserved and to they're self

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Larvesta: This Pokémon was a fairly new addition to Avery's roster and Larvesta tends to be reserved and to they're self. During battle Larvesta will always bite off more then they can chew

Current Moves: Tackle, Flame Charge, Struggle Bug

Snorlax: Being  another Pokémon obtained early in Avery's life Snorlax while still as lazy as always will never fail to get up and move to defend others no matter the situation

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Snorlax: Being another Pokémon obtained early in Avery's life Snorlax while still as lazy as always will never fail to get up and move to defend others no matter the situation

Current moves: Body Slam, Rest, Curse, Earthquake

Junklutter: Junklutter being a native Pokémon from Avery's home region has always been a bit of a coward

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Junklutter: Junklutter being a native Pokémon from Avery's home region has always been a bit of a coward... in this form at least... but during battle a different side shows...

Current moves; Metal Claw, Hone Claws, Poison Sting, Assemble (User gains a boost in defense as they're covered in more junk)

Malinyan: Malinyan is truly an odd case of a pokemon as they're abilities seem to vairy and change during each battle or confrontation they're in

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Malinyan: Malinyan is truly an odd case of a pokemon as they're abilities seem to vairy and change during each battle or confrontation they're in.

Current moves: ???, ???, ???, ???

(More Pokémon native to Avery's region will appear during the story's progression)

Appearance: Tall form (Taller then Liko), Black hair, dark complexion (similar to Roy), Red hoodie, Black pants, Red and Black shoes, Black and White bag

(An image will possibly be added to better describe things but for now use your I M A G I N A T I O N)

This will be it for the info page. I hope that this story does well here. Ciao and Bye!

 Ciao and Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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