Chapter 6: The Day of the Life of a Therapy Session

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7:00 Am

Location: Compound


I start to just lay on my bed while E is sitting on a chair beside my bed for our "Therapy".

E: So, where to start...... ahah.

E: V, Why did the actual HELL did you decide have sex with N?

V: Because I was BORED.

E: Why were you bored?

V: Because the hospital I was in was so boring.

E: Sounds like a you problem.

V: You are my FU@KING therapist.

E: Okay, my bad.

V: It's fine.

E: Look, Having sex can be fun! but if unlucky and not have protected sex, you can get an infection.

V: Oh, well didn't know that.

V: Also, can I tell you something.

E: Yeah.

V: Don't tell N, but I secretly have a crush on him.


V: Dude, shut up, I don't want Brett and N finding out.

Brett: Find out what.

E: V has a crush on N.

V: E!

E: My bad.

Brett: I'm telling N


E: Just don't okay, for V and me.

Brett: Ugh, fineeeeeeeeeee.

Brett: Also, I can give the best rizz lesson ever.

V: Okay, what you got.

E: Alright, new therapy, RIZZ therapy.


E: Fine, no rizz therapy.

V: Just teach me how to rizz.

Brett: First, don't be E.

E: Shut up.

E: Second, Write a bunch of rizz lines on piece of paper.

V: Okay.

V: Wait, where can I get rizz lines?

Brett: The internet.

V: Oh okay.

I quickly runs to E's computer to search up rizz lines and write them down on a piece of paper.

1 hour later

V: How's this.

I show them the pages and they are shocked.

E: V-V, You wrote 500 rizz lines.

V:( in confusion) Yeah so!

Brett: Well uh great job I guess.

E: You should try them on N now.

V: NO, at least, not right now.

Brett Okay V, take your time.

V: So that's it.

Brett: No, third and finale, tell N your feelings.

V: Didn't you hear me.

Brett: When your ready.

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