7 || To Protect a Friend

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Based on Season 1, Episode 6: Win Lose or Draal

(Unedited, Not Proofread, 4194 words)
Trigger Warnings: Fight scenes, sad/intense moments

"You did what?" I shout, catching the attention of several trolls in Trollmarket while Jim frantically tries to calm me down. 

It's late. Really late. Like, 'I had a few hours to sleep between when Claire called me and when Jim shows up knocking on my door' late. We're here in Trollmarket now because Jim and Toby found something that they think is necessary to show Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!! now instead of after school tomorrow— or... today, I guess. 

"We almost got arrested," Jim repeats himself. "And that's not even the worst part." 

"What could possibly be worse than almost being arrested?" I ask, throwing my hands out wide. 

"Are you certain?" Blinky asks, looking at the digital picture Toby took of Killahead Bridge as he and Jim were running around wildly in the museum, trying not to be eaten by goblins or stabbed by the curator who 'turned into a troll'. "Are you unquestionably, unequivocally..."

"I'm certain," Jim says firmly, and I find myself biting my nails in nervousness. 

A group of undercover trolls rebuilding Killahead Bridge is a lot worse than almost being arrested.

"Could be anything," AAARRRGGHH!!! argues. 

"I concur," Blinky agrees. "Tobias' photographic skills are less than exemplary." 

"Okay, it's a little blurry! You try taking a picture while hauling butt, mister!" Toby snaps, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"Okay, well, what about the curator? How could a person just change like that?" Jim asks. The way the question is presented would absolutely be offensive to me as a shapeshifter if I still identified with that title. Now, I know that it's more than just weird to see someone complete such a transformation. 

The two trolls discuss the concern in another language, one I understand enough of to know their answer before Jim and Toby do. 

"Changeling," AAARRRGGHH!!! says plainly. Immediately, the entire bar room fills with gasps and all eyes turn to look at us. 

"Not helping," Blinky says quietly with a nervous laugh. 

"Sorry," his large friend replies as everyone begins to return to their own conversations. 

Blinky leans in close, hiding his mouth with his hands as the rest of us match his closeness. "Changelings haven't been talked about in quite some time—" A troll walks up behind Blinky and the blue troll immediately asks, "Do you mind?" 

"Whatever," the troll mumbles before walking away. 

"In the Old World, Gumm-Gumms..." The same troll stops on Blinky's other side. We all glare at him and he sighs before leaving us alone. "... stole our young and did something unnatural to change them. Their sole purpose: to spy on the world above." 

"What did they do to them?" Toby asks. 

"Nasty business," AAARRRGGHH!!! replies, "very messy." 

Blinky starts to lead us all away, mumbling, "These are the very reasons I doubt your certainty. I don't question you saw a bridge, but Killahead? It would take years to collect all of the stones. Decades, even. You would need an army of changelings." 

"I know what I saw," Jim says confidently, and I feel my stomach tying into knots in my stomach. 

"These are serious accusations, Master Jim. Without proof, absolute bedlam will ensue," Blinky states. 

Behind Their Backs || Douxie CasperanWhere stories live. Discover now