Chapter 1

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The zombies come from every direction. The nest that the team found this time is one of the largest nests in a long while. The old house they are in is dark and dreary. The smell of rotting corpses mixes with the damp night air coming in from the broken windows and is almost unbearable. The team knows they must endure it until every zombie is taken out.

"KENZY, WATCH OUT!" Trojan yells.

Kenzy looks behind her just in time to shoot the zombie coming after her. As soon as it drops to the ground, another zombie knocks her down. Without hesitation, she kicks its legs from under it and puts a bullet in his head. She stands and looks down at her kills and sighs. She has come a long way in zombie hunting the past year, but she cannot help but feel she will die doing it.

Hope yelling pulls her attention back to reality and she rushes to the team. They all gather in the center of the room and with their backs to each other, they form a circle. They watch as the swarms of zombies close in on them.

"Y'all ready?" Rob asks.

They raise their guns and aim at the targets.

"Now!" Rob shouts and everyone releases the gun fire. Round after round, leave their weapons. The sounds are so loud and droning, everyone's ears ring but they take out every single zombie in the room. One after the next drops to the ground and within minutes it is over. When the dust settles, they look around at the mounds of bodies.

"Now, that's how you take on zombies!" Trojan exclaims and the others laugh before exchanging high fives.

Rob pulls Kenzy close to him. "I think you're getting the hang of this." He says sarcastically.

"It's about time." She jokes and kisses him.

Hope immediately interrupts the love birds. "Um, can we please leave this gas chamber first? Y'all can suck face at home."

"How about burgers?" Trojan asks.

"How can you even think about food right now?" Hope asks in disgust.

Again everyone laughs and the five of them make their way out of the zombie graveyard they have created.

It is after midnight before they make it back to the farmhouse and they notice all the lights are off.

"I guess Theresa and Charlie still haven't made it back yet." Kenzy sounds concerned. They left two weeks ago on a demon lead and have not returned. After the angel named Dominic showed less than a year ago and saved them from Ana, Theresa has become obsessed with learning everything she can about demons and angels.

It has been a quiet year other than the zombies. Ana and her drones have stayed off the radar and Kenzy has not seen a single demon. She would believe that it was over and she was done with her troubles for good but she knows better than to be that naïve. The demons are lying low because they are planning something.

The team unloads the vehicles and put their weapons away in the barn. Everyone then heads to the house except for Kenzy. Rob watches as she climbs up into the loft in the barn and follows her. The area is small, not big enough for the whole crew to fit but Kenzy has added her personal touches to the space to make it a great spot to relax. There is a wooden futon against the wall to the left that is lined with colorful pillows. There are two beanbag chairs on each side of the futon and a large, round rug in the middle of the room. There are small, clear Christmas lights lining the area giving a dim glow.

She opens the large, floor-length window at the front of the loft and sits with her feet hanging out so Rob joins her.

"What's on your mind?" He asks.

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