Chapter 1: The Beginnng

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Growing up, I was told the stories of my family's past. Well, It was more like a preparation than anything else. Preparation for my impending doomsday.

Eight hundred years ago the seed of my family line started to grow. It started with the birth of king Galathius. One of my ancestors.

In the beginning, the Derundum name was nothing more than a random surname. A name unknown to all. At a very young age, Galathius sought attention, love, friendship, but most of all, power. Power was the thing that kept him awake at night. It wasn't that he wanted the world under his rule, but he wanted it for one reason only. To protect the ones he love.

It became an obsession. He dug through the endless libraries full of books for the answer. When he never found it, he decided that it was best to tour the world, to seek out any witch or sorcerer that could provide him with the thing he wanted most, and over time, the power he sought didn't just motivate him to protect his family, it made him think about all the things he could achieve when he found it. Eventually, after twenty years of relentless search, he found it. The answer to his wildest dreams.

Miriana Hennon. The first witch that started the powerful line of the Hennon witch bloodline.

At the point of his audience with her, the part that made Galathius human disintegrated into something known to be an animal. His obsession ate away at his sanity, making him approach the powerful witch with obscure thoughtlessness. "Give it to me witch! Give me what I desire most!" is the first thing he says when he lies his eyes upon her. "I have heard of you from the lips of countless others. It is said that your power has no bounds. So you will have no problem giving me what I want!" his insanity made him sound sarcotic. Like a wild dog prying a flock of sheep.

That moment in time.

She looks at him with ease. As if a sudden rush of calmness washed over her, then her gentle, beautiful voice broke the uncomfortable silence. "I know who you are. I have predicted your arrival for the past fifty years. Yet, no matter how hard I tried to run from this moment in time, the moment caught up to me." she gently smiles and turns around in the little cabin they are in. "Would you like some tea?" She asks as she walks to a fire and places a silver pot on the warm coals. "Did you not hear me woman!? I said..." His loud voice is cut off by the windows surrounding the cabin flying open with a gust of wind. Suddenly, the gentle breeze outside became a howling wind with pools of air rushing into the cabin, turning the tiny space into a hurricane.

After she gently placed the pot on the fire she turned to face him again. The wind hurdled around him. Making him lose balance as furniture crashed into the walls. "I invite you into my home, I give you a smile to show my kindness, I even offer you some tea out of my kindest gratitude, yet you yell at me as if you own me. As if I owe you for something." The wind started to grow even stronger, and then thunder started to strike outside, turning the peaceful atmosphere into one of anger and destruction. Galathius finally loses his balance and falls. "How dare you command me in my own home!" her yell shook everything. The wood and walls started to crack and break, the fire blazed high into the chimney as the world fell into destruction around the woman who stood calmly in one place.

Chunks of wood started slashing across Galathius' body. Already squirming and yelling, Galathius tried to stop the hundreds of knives cutting into him from all corners, but he was frozen in place, unable to move as the sharp wood stabbed him over and over and over again. Finally, the pain became too much, so he did the only thing anyone could do at that moment. "I'm sorry! Please forgive me. I am sorry!" the wood stabbed him a little more, the wind hurdled like a hurricane, and lightning struck outside for a mere moment, and then everything went dead silent again. Galathius' eyes were clenched shut and soaked in tears. Then he felt a soft surface underneath him. He was now sitting on a chair. He could hear the familiar sound of cracks made by wood as flames licked it away, with a soft coat of its warmth coating his face. He could see its gentle light from behind his eyelids until the soft warm voice spoke to him again.

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