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𝘢 𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘤 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱


1. BE RESPECTFUL. Please be kind, be respectful, not only to me, but to each other. I am a human being who has things going on outside of this, if it takes time for me to get you your order, I'm sorry, but you have to have patience. (NOTE : If I do make your request, due to wattpad removing messages, I will be sending graphics through discord. My username is the same on there as it is on here.)

I'm still learning when it comes to making graphics, but I would appreciate if you showed some gratitude for my work. This is my first graphic shop, and I would like it if you were all understanding of that fact.

I have the right to accept or deny a request depending on if I feel comfortable with it. In the event I don't make your order in a specific batch, you can always submit your order again in the next batch.

Speaking of batches, for my own sanity, I will be using the batch system, which will mean limited spots. If you don't get a spot in the batch, again, unless under very specific circumstances, you can always try again in the next batch.

2. YOUR BOOK MUST BE PUBLISHED. (VIPS, you can ignore this rule.) At least 2-3 chapters posted, this can include the introduction, act I, etc. Just have them posted. I don't want my time wasted on graphics for a fic that won't be written.

3. YOUR FACECLAIM(S) MUST HAVE RESOURCES. Your faceclaim must have a decent amount of resources. In certain cases, I might be more inclined to make resources myself, but mostly, just so that I don't start pulling my hair out and my toaster of a computer doesn't overheat, I would prefer it if your faceclaim(s) already have a significant amount of resources.

3.5. NO PROBLEMATIC FACECLAIMS. Self-explanatory. I will not be not working with problematic faceclaims.

4. NO SHOP-HOPPING. Again, self-explanatory, it's rude and disrespectful. If I find out you are, you will be blacklisted.

5. NON-VIPS PLEASE ONLY REQUEST 2-3 GRAPHICS PER BATCH. This is mainly so that I can get things done in a timely manner. If you're a VIP, this rule doesn't apply to you.

5. CREDIT. Arguably the most important, which is why I'm leaving it for last, since that proves you probably took time to actually read the rules. Give me credit in your graphic gallery or I will smite you. (AKA, you'll be blacklisted.) 

I spend my time on a graphic, I would like to be credited for it. Failure to do this will result in blacklisting. Attempts to remove or hide my watermark will also result in blacklisting.

Now, since it seems you've gotten so far, here's the password as of now : your favorite fictional character. Forms without a password (unless you are a VIP) will be denied. Incomplete forms will also be denied.


Payment is a permanent follow and as previously mentioned, credit. If I accept your request and you unfollow after receiving your graphic, I will blacklist you. If you don't give me credit? As mentioned, blacklisted. Simple as that. You may not care about my fanfics, but clearly you cared enough to order from here, so follow me.







No one <3

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𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓. || 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩Where stories live. Discover now