Breaking Up Is Hard To Un-Do

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Liam Payne sat on the couch and stared straight at the tele, trying not to focus on the older boy who was collecting his things to leave. After what felt like an eternity Liam’s now ex-boyfriend had put all of his suitcases by the door.

“I wish it didn’t have to be like this Liam, I love you but I can’t do this anymore. It’s not healthy. I’ll see you soon.” He said picking up his suitcase and turning to leave, but Liam’s voice stopped him.

“You know it’s not going to last right, we may be broken up behind door but in public it’s you and me baby, Lilo Tayne forever.” Liam said turning the TV off. His sarcastic tone was underlining his words, and Louis could feel his eyes roll.

“Ok, that’s great act like this all you want, I’ll see you tomorrow try to get the stick out of your ass!” Louis exclaimed turning to leave, and go to Harry’s flat, where he would stay until Liam grew up. He couldn’t believe Liam was acting like this, how immature he was being about the whole thing. It was a big deal, they were breaking up after nearly a year and a half of being together! He knocked on Harry’s door, who welcomed him into his home which he once lived.

“Welcome back mate.” He said, closing the door and Louis dropped his bags, and a sip of the beer that shelled his aching heart.

“He is right, were going to have to be together in public, always touching bather. What was I thinking getting involved with him, and what happened to us?” He said sipping his beer and sitting on the couch, Harry sat next to him and turned on the tele to some random channel, not knowing what to say, he didn’t want to say I told you so.

“You can say it, you know I told you so.” Louis said voicing what Harry was thinking. Harry shook his head, and patted Louis’ knee.

“Not yet maybe tomorrow at the interview when you’re miserable because you have to be all loved up with your ex.” He said sipping his drink, and Louis rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, I know don’t remind me.” He said then look a long swig of his drink trying to numb his thoughts of what Liam was doing. Most likely twitcaming his problems away. Without thinking, he pulled out his phone and logged into twitter, he ignored the mentions and interactions and went right to Liam’s page to see that he was in fact doing a twitcam. Louis then stood up and walked over to his bag and totally blocked out Harry who was questioning is every move.

“Louis what are you doing?” he asked watching his best-mate search for his computer.

“Liam is doing a twitcam right now, and I want to see what he is saying about me.” Louis said digging through his bags for the silver MacBook.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Louis it might just make you even more angry.” Harry said trying to diverge his mate from making himself any more upset then he already was. Finally after what seemed to him hours of searching he found the slim computer wedged between a jumper and a pair of sweatpants. He needed to see the twitcam, the way his ex-lover was handling the fans.

“Finally!” he said pulling his MacBook out and sitting down on the couch. Harry rolled his eyes and watched as his friend logged on to twitter and on to twitcam where Liam’s face was looking tired.

“Any more questions? I’ll be here all night!” he said looking over to the side, he was in the living room. 

“Where’s Louis?  He went to bed about twenty minutes ago, he wanted me to join him but I promised you guys a twitcam so here I am!” He said trying to cover up the fact that Louis left him not even an hour ago.

“Wanting you to join me my ass, if I wanted you to join me, I would be there right now and not here.” Louis said as he watched his ex-boyfriend make excuses about why Louis wouldn’t be joining him that night.

“Any music requests? Come on guys all-nighter trend it #Liam’sallnighter, it’s going to be so much fun.” He said, but Louis could see the sadness in his eyes. Even though he was trying to be upbeat for the fans, the sadness and anger in his eyes was evident.

“He’s not happy, he looks so broken like he wants to scream. He could do that if he wasn’t so damn uptight about everything. He just had to do a twitcam now like he didn’t just go through something major. He is so ridiculous, I don’t know why I put up with him for a year and a half of my life! I hate him! Now I want to scream.” He said then slammed the computer shut, Harry looked at him and rolled his eyes, then got up and got another beer.

“This is how Liam copes with things, remember Danielle the next day he was all happy-go-lucky let’s tell jokes and have fun.” He said and Louis rolled his eyes and finished the liquid to numb the whole in his heart.

“Yeah well its different this time, I think it gives them the damn satisfaction to know that we aren’t 100% broken up that in public were still the happiest couple in London.”  He said, then rolled his eyes. He stood up abruptly with his computer, Harry just watching him the whole time waiting for him to do something rash.

“I think I’m going to go to bed, it’s been a big day.”  He said grabbing his bags and going to his old room, which was still intact as Harry’s way of saying you’ll be back. Harry shook his head and grabbed his phone out of his pocket to text Liam, I told you so –H. He decided to rub it into Liam’s face considering how he’s acting. After doing so he decided to finish his drink and follow Louis to bed. 

===================================Lilo Tayne==================================

This is jusst the start of my next Fic :)

Summary: Liam  and Louis starting dating and after a big fight they broke up only on the inside. Follow the tale of two ex-lovers who have to publiclly be together for the fate of the band depends on it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2013 ⏰

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