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Guys, we are coming to an end of Something bout you!

But maybe I could start writing another one after this?

Up to you xx

"Y/n, I really need to tell you something, and I really can't wait!" Nidal said, bursting in.

"Yeah, sure." I said, standing up and walking over to him.

"I actually have no idea how to say this. Uh, well, I've liked you for ages now. I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?" He said, scratching the back of his neck and trying not to look at me.

"I agree." I said, smiling and gently turning his face so that he was looking at me.

"You what? You do! That's...Great!" He said, grinning.

"When is it?" I asked.

"Tonight at seven dinner date be ready by half six." He said, winking and running out of the room.

I texted Salish the good news and called for Jiji.

She screamed when she heard the news and fell over backwards.

"You're joking!"

"No, it's happening!" I said.

She tried to help me get ready at six, but her hands were shaking too badly.

"You look fabulous!" She said, spinning me around.

I was wearing a snatched black dress that went to my ankles and some silver heels.

I grabbed a silver hand bag and hugged Jiji before walking to the car where Nidal was waiting.

He had ordered a limo, and inside were snacks.

I sat next to him, and the limo started.

"You do like limos." I said laughing.

"Yes, they are so fun!" He said, handing me some food.

"You look really pretty." He said, looking me up and down.

"Same to you. So adorable!" I said teasingly.

"I'd rather think I was hot or handsome, not adorable, but I will accept it." He said laughing.

"We are here." He said and clambered out, making sure to help me down.

"Thank you, kind gentleman." I said. He bowed, and we both laughed.

We sat down and ordered. I ordered a burger, and Nidal ordered a stake as usual.

The food arrived, and we dug in, making sure to talk about anything.

"You know I really think Pebbles is starting to like me." Nidal said, taking a bite.

"You do?" I replied.

"I mean, yeah, she like, doesn't nip me as much now, not that it hurts." He said.

"Really." I responded.


"So, how's the stake?" I questioned.

"Yeah." He replied, staring at me.


"Yeah." He repeated.

"Are you okay?" I asked, looking concerned.

"No." He replied, pouting.

"Aw, why?"

"Because I want to kiss you." He said, catching me off gard.

"Kiss? Me?" I stutterd.

"Yes, it would be much better than any desert they have here!" He exclaimed.

"Nidal!" I said, trying hard not to laugh.

"It's stupid anyway." He said, finally taking his eyes of mine.

I stood up.

"Where you going?" He asked.

"Toilet." I replied and walked hurriedly over to the toilets.

After I had reaplaid everything that just happened through my head, I went back.

We had some desert, and then Nidal paid.

"Are you sure you don't want me to pay you my half?" I said as we walked outside.

"Sure." He said, nodding.

It was nine and dark.

I stopped him.

"You know I was thinking the same thing." I said.

"What when?" He said.

"That I wanted to kiss you too." I whispered and pulled him to me.

I kissed him, and he kissed me back, much to my relief. I had been afraid he was just joking.

After a long kiss, we pulled apart.

"I've been wanting to do that for ages." He said.

"You did." I said.

"No, you were drunk." He replied, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"True." I said.

We arrived back, and I kissed him on the cheek before making my way to Jijis room.

"Oh, one thing." He shouted. I turned.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now