Chapter 5 Part 1: Dead End

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So I got 3 things to say first 3k reads! I want to thank you guys so much for reading and loving my story! I already celebrated like this before so there's not a lot to say this time around except thanks for giving this story a chance.

Second I'm so sorry for how long this chapter is taking. It's by far the longest chapter and is probably gonna be 6k-7.5k maybe even more words which is over 2 times longer than all the other chapters and I had a lot of irl shit to do but I got majority of it done so with majority of it done and over with it I can work on chapters much faster now but don't expect them to come out in a couple days it will take time but not as long as this one that's for sure.

And third part 2 is close to done I just decided to do parts since I know you guys have been waiting a long time and I'm tired of keeping you guys waiting this long so enjoy!

Currently on IOL-74.

The war was over however unfortunately JcJenson had won and had taken over IOL-74. After JcJenson had taken over JcJenson would enslave the worker drones but a lot of worker drones were killed for an unknown reason the company doesn't want to reveal and anyone who rebelled were killed. Any disassembly drones that were from IOL-74  had their memories wiped and would have their cooling systems screwed up and would work for JcJenson.

A group of Disassembly Drones containing 2 females with one being the leader with long black hair and the other being her right hand woman with a long white pony tail and one male who looks like he doesn't care about anything would be tasked to gather anything good from the destroyed Cortez Manufacturing HQ.

"I don't know why the company wants us to look through here. I mean look at this place, it's completely destroyed!" The female subordinate would say wanting to have a better mission than this. "Are you an idiot S who knows what we could find here! I mean it's the HQ for Cortez Manufacturing, the literal company that is responsible for almost all the technology this planet has made! If we find something worth big I can-I mean we can get a promotion!" The female leader would say.

"C'mon K you know S has a point I mean look at this place is completely destroyed we're not going to find anything worth big here especially after we destroyed it when the company wanted to do that full on assault on the planet." The male D-drone would say while playing games on his phone. "T you and S are both dumb besides it's the company's order we have to do this." K would say.

The trio would be looking around until S found blueprints for a new type of drone with it being labelled to a project named U.D. "HEY GUYS YOU MIGHT WANT TO SEE THIS!" S would shout. "What is it S?" K would ask. K and T would go check it out and would see the blueprints. "I TOLD YOU WE WOULD FIND SOMETHING WORTH BIG!" K would say happy she found something good.

"Ok but you don't need to shout in my ear!" S would say mad at K. "Anyways I say we found enough today let's get these back to the boss." K would say taking the blueprints and flying off with T and S.

On Copper-9 30 minutes later after everyone got on the bus

Everyone would arrive at the bunker and L, V, N and Uzi would go to L's room for the removal of the absolute solver from N and V. "So how is this whole thing gonna work exactly?" V would ask L. "I'll explain in a second." L would create 2 large containers one being glass with L's healing nanites in it with a tube with a syringe connected to it and the other being a platinum container. "So to put it simply, first the platinum container will drain you of all your nanites and contain them in there then secondly the one with my nanites will be injected into you so that way when you make more nanites mine will cancel out yours and then I start curing you. You guys understand?"

V and N would nod their heads saying they do. "Alright, good. So who wants to go first?" "ME!" V would quickly say.  "Alrighty then! So I need you to get on the workbench again and don't worry you won't need to take your jacket off again." V would get on top of the workbench and lay down. "Hey L." "What's up V?" "How will you know if all my nanites are drained or not?" "Oh shit yeah I forgot to tell you that! Ok so you should get a notification saying that your nanite reserves are low or empty once that happens tell me and I'll connect the healing nanites." V would start to lose a bit of trust and start to worry for herself in this whole process but still would trust L and believe she'll be ok.

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