8 || Chains and Changelings

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Based on Season 1, Episode 7: To Catch A Changeling

(Unedited, Not Proofread, 3708 words)
Trigger Warnings: Fight scene

"Master Vic! Welcome!" Blinky chimes as I enter the Hero's Forge. "Where are Master Jim and Tobias?" 

"They're having tacos at Jim's house with Draal. Are you all still meeting at the museum tonight?" I ask, setting my backpack down. It's a Saturday, so we didn't have school and my bag is filled with snacks and water bottles instead of books and note pages. 

"I plan to. Vendel will be joining us, will you as well?" Blinky asks, gesturing for me to join him in the middle of the Forge. 

"No, I'm going out with Claire tonight," I admit, shrugging my shoulders. "She wanted to go to the movies with me and her friends. I talked to Jim about it, he said that would be alright." 

"Who is this... Claire?" Blinky asks, arranging an array of weapons on a large wooden board. Bows, knives, swords, chains, and all other kinds of weapons lay out before me in intricate positionings. 

"She's a friend. My friend. Jim likes her," I explain before adding, "she also knows I'm a witch." 

"Someone else is aware of your past?" Blinky asks, turning to look at me. 

"She had to help me rescue my spell book, and since she did, I promised her I'd answer all her questions about it and about me. She's cool though, she understands why I don't use my magic and why I don't want anyone to know," I reply, walking over to the board of weapons. 

"Do you still have no plans to tell Master Jim?" Blinky questions, and I shake my head. 

"It was easy for me to argue with you because you aren't a witch and aren't in immediate danger either. Jim's the Trollhunter; he's always in danger. He has a reason to ask me to use my magic, and it's a really good reason," I mutter, crossing my arms over my chest. Blinky nods in understanding and then turns back to the board. "Are these all my options?" 

"I will analyze your current fighting style now and match you to a weapon once I feel you are ready," Blinky explains, and I hum. "First, you will need to show me how your strength and stamina differ from Master Jim's. We will begin with strength testing, and we will go from there." 

"Sounds like a plan," I comment, shedding my jacket in favor of a tee shirt. 

A few hours later, I find myself lying flat on my back after having experienced one of the worst obstacle courses of my life. My chest heaves with shallow breaths and my eyes flutter closed against the searing lights of the Forge. 

"Master Vic, I must compliment your efforts," Blinky chimes as he approaches me. "You have officially outlasted Master Jim compared to his first training session, and he was in worse shape than you are now." 

"I don't remember him lying on the floor in defeat," I rasp, still trying to effectively catch my breath. 

"He quit before he could get to that point," Blinky reminds me. "Now, stand and receive your weapon."

"Blinky, I can't move my legs," I whine, trying my best not to disturb my aching appendages. 

"Come along, Master Vic," Blinky says with a chuckle. "I will assist you." 

I open my eyes slowly and take his offered hand, letting the stone troll pull me to my feet and stabilize me once I am up. My hair, which needs to be cut soon, has all fallen out of the ponytail I put it in before the course. Sweat sticks to my skin and my clothes, giving me a glossy shine in the light of the Forge. My legs shake once my weight is put upon them, and I rely on Blinky to get me to the board of weapons. 

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