Chapter 16 | Be patient

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Mary was laying down on the bed and looking out the window. She tried to think about answers to all her questions, but it was hard. Alexander wouldn't tell her anything and finding answers herself was impossible. She could hear him frying something in the kitchen. The smell of meat and sauce was filling the entire cabin. At some point she got bored of laying down, got up and left the room. Casmid was in the kitchen flipping the meat to the other side with a soft smile. She hugged him from behind and joked:

"Harry must've been a fat pig, right?"

"A pig?" The man was surprised. "He wasn't a pig."

He took the meat off the frying pan and put it on their plates.

"Then what was he?"

"You'll see" the man cut a piece of meat for her. "Open wide."

She did as he asked. It was tasty. She recognized the texture as the meat they ate very often, but the taste was unique.

"Do you like him?"

"Yes" she smiled. "Was that a bull?"

Mary looked at Alexander who looked really proud of himself.

"No he wasn't."

"Then tell me!" She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm desperate to know!"

"Well" he put his hands on her hips. "I think he was a grocery store manager."

Her eyes widened. She got pale and dizzy.

"Don't worry pumpkin, it didn't hurt him" the man kissed her.

"I'm feeling unwell" her vision got blurry. Alexander helped her to go back to bed and opened the window.

"Do you feel better?" he sat down next to her.

"Yeah" she buried her face in his chest. "But why? Why would you do this to other people?"

"Beef is boring" the man kissed her head. "And I made sure that nobody's going to miss them. I'm not a maniac."

She took a deep breath and relaxed.

"So the rumors were true..."

"I would never hurt Amelia" he interrupted. "I don't eat young, helpless girls."

She nodded and wrapped her arms around him.

"It's late pumpkin" he tried to stand up.

"Stay with me" the girl begged. "Please."

"I think it would be better if you slept alone tonight" the man managed to stand up and close the window. "Sleep well. But keep your door open, please."

"Thank you" she crawled under the bed sheets. "I will."


Mornings were awful. Especially that one. As people say: "One night with your loved one will make no lonely night enough". Mary was a great example of that. She woke up in the morning tired and sore. Her head was hurting and she was hungry. The entire cabin was silent and it seemed that she was alone. The girl walked out of the bedroom and looked around. Nobody. The main door were locked with a key from the outside. Great! Alexander left her alone in the middle of the woods. She decided to use this time to look around the cabin. She opened the door in front of the bedroom door. They led her into a room with lots of boxes, bookshelves and books. She wanted to go through them, but invading her boyfriend's privacy would be unfair. It would also take a while and she didn't know how much time she had before Casmid's arrival. She sat down on the couch. It was still warm from the man's body. He must've left shortly before she woke up. She got up and opened the door on her left. It was a small bathroom. Nothing special. On her way out she found a little note on the kitchen counter. It had to be from Alexander.

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