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I opened my eyes slowly as a bright ray of sunlight flashes through making me squint my eyes.

The memories of what happened before I was knocked out came flooding into my head as I sat up with fear.

“I see you are finally awake.”

I looked by my side and saw the same person I was pleading with to spare my life.

“Where am I?? What am I doing here??” I asked in fear.

“I think the right question to ask is why you are still alive.” he said.

“Do you plan on killing me??”

“Well, it depends on how you answer my questions.”

“But I have told you everything I know.” I said as tears dripped down my eyes.

“Be quiet!!!!” he yelled in anger.

The fact that I was in a total stranger’s house made me shiver in fear.

“I am going to ask my questions and you better answer each and everyone of them truthfully or else I won’t hesitate to kill you…am I understood??” 

“Y..y..yes…s…sir.” I said stuttering.

“Good…now my first question…what were you doing at the place we met you that too in the middle of the night??”

“I ran away from home.” I said.


“Because my step siblings were plotting to kill me.” I said.

He suddenly burst into laughter like a maniac.

“You expect me to believe that bullshit???!!” he yelled.


“Okay, let us say I believe your stupid story….why the hell will your step siblings plot to kill you?? And you better not stutter.”

“I really don’t know sir…they have always hated me and treated me like trash and I overheard them say they wanted to throw me in the pool and tell my step parents I committed suicide.” I said as I tried as much as I could not to stutter.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk….that’s too sad baby girl…as much as I don’t believe this stupid pathetic story of yours, I am still not going to spare your life so it would have been better if they actually killed you.”

“Please I beg of you…don’t kill me….I will do anything you ask of me but just spare my life please.” I pleaded.

“Hmm, anything??” he asked, smirking.

I knew that saying that was going to get me into a lot of trouble but I was willing to do anything for my life to be spared.

“I will do anything…just spare my life please.”

I was willing to accept my fate at the hands of this stranger than to die a miserable death after all the sufferings I passed through.

“I don’t fucking trust you and I don’t believe you so you are going to be saying right here in this house until I decide what to do with you.” he said.

“Thank you sir.”

“I am not done.”

“Oh okay sorry sir.”

“You are going to be staying here as a housekeeper….you will cook, clean and do all the necessary chores until I say otherwise.”

“I will do that sir.”

I guess it was my fate to always be a servant but it was better than getting abused alongside doing all the house chores.

“Good…I will introduce you to Irene, my housekeeper and you will be working under her…if she ever complains about you to me, I will make sure you never see the light of day..are we clear??”

“Yes sir.”

“Follow me.” he said.

I walked quietly behind him as I admired the house.

It was massive and beautifully decorated with a gray and black combo of colors and I wondered if he stayed alone or with his family.

We finally arrived at the living room and I hung my mouth open in shock on how large the living room was.

“Irene!!” he called.

Few seconds later, a middle aged woman walked out.

I couldn't believe he addressed a middle aged woman by her name without any form of respect.

“Yes, you called??” she said as she looked at me in confusion.

“I have found you an assistant….she is going to help you with anything that has to do with the upkeep of the house.”

“But I never asked for an assistant.” she said.

“I know…you aren’t getting any younger Irene and I figured you need someone to assist around here.” he said.

I didn’t understand why he had to lie like that but I knew better than to say anything.

“Well, thank you…young lady, what is your name??” she asked.

“Clara Madam.” I said.

“You can address me as Irene.” she said smiling.

“Get acquainted and I better not hear any complaint from her about you.” he said as he walked away.

“How old are you? And how did you get yourself in this situation??” Irene asked.

“I don’t understand madam.”

“I know Renio didn’t hire you to help me out…i’ve been a housekeeper for years now and he suddenly hires help?? I am getting old and not dumb…. I know him too well to know he is lying.” she said.

“Renio?? Is that his name??” I asked.

“That is what I call him…his name is Arsenio…but a little advice for you…if you want to live, don’t ever call him Renio.” she said.

“Okay Madam…I am 21 years old and he found me last night on the street when I escaped from home.” I said.

“Escaped from home?? Hmmm I am guessing that is a long story.”

“It is madam.”

“Alright…why don’t you go and freshen up and join me in the kitchen and then we can talk??”

“Okay…but I don’t know my way around here.” I said.

She explained to me where the guest room was and how to get there and I thanked her and left.

Along the line, I missed my way there and wandered into another section of the house.

As I walked by, I heard footsteps coming and I turned back and tried to run but I was caught.

“Don’t even think about running and if you do, I will blow your head off.”

I was in deep trouble again.

Sorry my lovelies that this came was an hectic day but not go hectic to write for you all🤭♥️🌹

Enjoy!!! And don't forget to like and comment 😉😘

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