Run Away Cowboy

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Harvey: " Haar- Vee"Wyatt: "Why-It"

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Harvey: " Haar- Vee"
Wyatt: "Why-It"

Harvey, the infamous outlaw and the last member of the Baxter crime family, had laid waste to almost all places he and his goons pillaged. Only a handful remained untouched by his brutality. Wyatt had made the mistake of saving him when his family was murdered, causing Harvey to develop an obsessive fixation on him. Ever since his recovery from loosing his folks, Harvey has pursued Wyatt. Despite their past relationship, Wyatt couldn't stomach Harvey's obsessive pursuit of him anymore. No matter how hard he tried to flee from Harvey, he always managed to catch up to him.

Wyatt was at a local saloon having a drink to relax his nerves when all of a sudden, the doors were jolted open with a loud bang. A moment later, Harvey burst into the saloon like a whirlwind, disrupting the tranquil atmosphere and throwing Wyatt into a state of alertness.

-No fucking way he found me.-

"Did ya miss me!"

The twenty-one year old boy almost spit out his drink as he slowly turned around to see Harvey and immediately turned back around, hoping Harvey didn't see him.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..."
He muttered under his breath.

"I found ya sugar pie!"
Harvey calls out from behind as he made his way to sit next to Wyatt on a stool as his goons stood behind him.
The rest of the customers didn't dare to interfere with Harvey and his goons.
Harvey was a talk bulky man with a short brown beard and sharp brown eyes.

"I see you hiding like a little kid. Oh, you gonna try and skedaddle again? Run away?!"
He leans forward.

"You sure like playin' cat and mouse don't ya. It took me months to find ya, boy."
Wyatt felt trapped as his ex-lover and his goons were surrounding him.

"Listen, I don't understand why you're still after me! I saved you and that should've been it!"
Harvey scoffed as he tilted his cowboy hat.

"But then ya disappeared on me, sweetie. I needed you but you were gone. And now that I've found ya again, I'm not letting ya go. So you got two options: You can either come with me, sugar. Or you can try fighting me and my men. But if that happens, we are gonna hurt you. Real bad. Ya understand what I mean, baby?"

Wyatt was the total opposite of Harvey and his men, built wise, he look around the saloon trying to find an escape and out of this town. Not even the Sheriff could save him from this bandit. Harvey pretty much runs this town now.


Harvey leaned in  closer, and he gives Wyatt one of those creepy smiles.

"What's the matter, pretty boy? Ya gotta stutter problem, or y'all just plain scared? Either way, ya better pick a choice soon."

One of his goons puts both hands on Wyatt's shoulders. They'll  probably gonna drag him out if he doesn't decide fast enough.

"Okay! Okay! I'll...I'll go with you..."

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