XLIV. A Deep Conversation.

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The same day.
Seventeen's mansion.
5:35 p.m.

You stretched your body, waking up and saw your man sound asleep beside you. You caressed his cheeks and kissed his pouty lips and got up, feeling light headed for some reason. After returning from a small date and both of you staying in your cabin, you checking patients and him just watching you for all day, both of you fell asleep for a while.
You sighed and decided to take a bath since the headache was bad. You got out of the bathroom and texted your father.

 You got out of the bathroom and texted your father

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You grabbed car keys and went downstairs. 'Oh shit, everyone's on dates.'
You thought and decided to leave alone after leaving a note for Seungcheol by the bed.
'Ugh- why the fuck do I feel so light headed?'
And drove off towards the location.

After reaching the park, you parked the car beside the road. And walked inside. The sun was setting and parents were taking their kids home. You smiled watching them, your eyes unconsciously filled with tears after remembering that you never got that happiness and would never be able to give it to anyone else.

"Yedong, highness!", someone pointed.
"Huh?", Yedong looked at you, your eyes were sparkling in the sunlight. "Call her Yn, not highness. She's your daughter too."
"Why's she crying?", the white mafia's bestfriend, Lee Yooshik, asked. The father sighed.
"YN!", he called.

You flinched and blinked the tears away and waved at the two males.

"APPA!!!", you ran to him, literally jumping on the old man as he grabbed you

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"APPA!!!", you ran to him, literally jumping on the old man as he grabbed you. "I missed you."
"I missed you more, baby princess.", he kissed your forehead and cheeks.
"Why are you calling her princess?", Yooshik questioned.
"Habits! I just forget she's the queen."
"You're getting old.", the other taunted.
"You are older than me.", the father argued.
"Just a month!"
"Still old!"
"Oh, is he a wizard?", you asked, pointing at your father's bestfriend.
"Yeah! This is Lee Yooshik. My bestfriend, since quite long. We even studied together, he's also my mafia partner.", Yedong introduced.
"Hi, nice to meet you!", you bowed.
"Oh my god- why are you bowing- nice to meet you too!", Yooshik greeted.
"Showing respect since we're not in the queendom.", you yanked your hand. They laughed.
"Are you feeling good?", Yedong asked, caressing your head. You nodded with a smile. "You came alone?", you nodded again.
"Everyone is on a date... and Seungcheol was asleep so. Hehe.", you grinned.
"Oh! Did your sugardaddy permit you?"
"Appa!", you pinched his stomach.
"Why didn't I die before hearing that?", Yooshik said, he was shocked. The father and daughter laughed.
"He means my mate. And ofcourse he's gonna allow me, who's gonna stop me from meeting my father?", you said.
"Yeah! Exactly!"

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