12. Ill-fated

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"No," Rosalia spoke meekly, her voice drained of energy, it was a mere whisper in the tense air.

"Your sister confessed without any hesitation that this box belongs to her, along with the pills," Kevin asserted firmly, struggling to rein in his rising anger.

Kevin had offered Emilia no insight into the reasons behind his sudden inquiry still she, ever enamoured by him, had complied without any hesitation.

Amidst a whirlwind of confusing thoughts, Rosalia could not comprehend why her younger sister would possess birth control pills in her room. She is just eighteen. Rose was certain it could not be Emilia who had done all this behind her back. Why would she? No, someone else, something else must be responsible, though uncovering the truth could wait. For now, Rosalia's priority was shielding her sister Emi from the storm of her husband's wrath. If he believed Emilia was complicit, he would undoubtedly mete out punishment to her also. In his twisted ways, he will definitely make Emilia understand that she cannot do all this.

"Emilia is innocent. She's unaware of any of this. I took those pills from her room without her knowledge," Being concerned Rosalia confessed hesitantly, her words tinged with resignation, her numbness weighing heavily upon her shoulders, her eyes were vacant, unable to muster further thought or any other words to make it sound more convincing.

Kevin's smirk crept through his lips as his expectations did not betray him, he already knew her response. He knows the lengths Rosalia can push herself to keep her sister safe. The intensity of his gaze cut through the air, no further words were needed to be said. His expressions said it all. The message was clear, this would be the last time he let her sister get away with it, unscathed.

He motioned for Rosalia to shed her damp towel and change into something comfortable.

As night descended, Rosalia found no respite in sleep and no comfort in closing her eyes. The events of the day consumed her weary mind as a relentless burden impossible to shake off. Whenever she tried to close her eyes, the day's miserable memories would flood back, the blood staining the floor, seeping into her skin, making her heart palpitate at times.

Rose could not sleep at night, at all.

As morning set in, she took that tiny jewellery box and walked straight up to Emilia's room and stepped in. Emilia was trying and testing some exotic fragrances sitting in front of the mirror when Rose stood behind her.

"You look too pale, Rose" Glancing at a view of her sister's reflection on the mirror Emilia said. "You had breakfast? Trust me, It was so delicious today, the French croi-"

"What's this?" Rose cut her excitement slamming the metal box onto the mirror table, her tired eyes dull and vacant yet burning with intensity.

Emilia's excitement faded as she looked at the box. "You know better, I guess" Emilia mumbled in a hesitant voice looking anywhere but her sister.

"Emi," Rose pressed, her tone being more insistent.

"No. It's nothing....It's just in case, you know" Emilia replied in a faltering voice earning a look of disapproval from her sister. Emilia never imagined this would turn out this way. Even though she felt a little ashamed, she found nothing wrong in it.

"Some maids were earnestly searching for the pills throughout my room. When they found the box, they took it. After some time Kevin summoned me and asked a few questions." Feeling the need to let Rose know, She further added.

Rose sighed deeply, frustration for self mingling with concern for her younger one. Rose came here to confirm whether the pills really belonged to Emilia or her sister was also being framed just like her. Getting her required answers, Rose took a step back. She was about to turn around and abort that place when Emilia stopped her.

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