The Look in Her Eye

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Alrighty, Its my first story :)   Sisters name: Please comment suggestions but im thinking main character is gonna be Emerald and little sis is gonna be Amber. Maybe itll relate to that magic i hinted at, maybe not, and just maybe i have only planned some of the story thus far and am making it up as i go.... Who knows.

You can excpect more dialog scenes and character interaction but i wanted to get out an idea of the set up. Comments would be amazing! Please tell if you come across any errors too! I should have out updates somewhere around two times a week.

~~~~~ Chapter uno~~~~ ( Will be revised )

The night fell silently over my head as I perched on a branch of my cherry blossom tree. It was mid September, nearing my birthday, and I had come accustomed to falling asleep in that big tree every afternoon. I never really liked being in cramped houses so when we moved out of the big towns I felt more comfortable. I was constantly out of things I had to do as I cycled through hobbies and distractions, none keeping me hooked for long before they too went to the trunk at the foot of my bed with all the junk I couldn't give away. My cheap phone buzzed in my pocket, waking me to head back to the "cottage" I now called home. Although my home took on the general feel of a cottage, it's size was nothing like the humble abode it was referred to as.

Three stories tall with a view over acres of gardens and ponds complete with two guest homes that were more reasonably comparable to cottages. The bottom floor held the kitchen, dining room, and family room. Through the tall double door entrance your first glance would reveal a grand staircase that swirled up to the second and third landings. The second floor was the master suite for my parents and their adjacent offices. Full wall windows and the height of technology was a striking contrast to the agricultural wonderland just beyond the steel beams. The top floor was shaped like an attic but was split exactly in half by a middle circular room with double doors on either side leading to (SISTERS NAME), (my sister) room to the left and mine to the right. The middle room was two entertainment centers and an arrangement of couches, beanbags, and cushions with a modern feel and pale blue walls.

The rooms were identical in furniture and color, however that's where the similarities ended. She was 14 and infatuated with animals, and her future veterinarian career. Her love for animals helped fuel the move to country as she now had an extensive farm in her back yard and the ability to care for a few animals at a time in her room. She had a relatively mature room as she let me design the space to reflect mine like a mirror with a floating double bed in the center of the room, under a window. Although the bunnies have begun claiming it as their own, she had an open top trunk painted with pinks and purples at the bottom of her bead with a loose cushion forming a makeshift bench and bunny bed. She heavily studied the vet science at her large desk flanked by bookcases covered in textbooks and pictures of her horses. The other wall had a six foot patio with climbing vines accenting the soft curled copper railing.

My room had a less modern and productive style but the basic furniture lined up the same. I also had a double bead but with a whimsically painted headboard that was framed by a canopy hung curtain of flowing, veil like green curtains. In place of a desk I had a vanity, accompanied by two orchids. Although I owned less textbooks I had many more novels scattered around the room on sculpture like shelves with complementing paintings and a vintage grandfather clock. the walls were a deep green with white molding touched around the magnificent windows and subtle entrance doors. Where her patio begins I have an extrusive trapezoid window with a hidden semi-hidden ladder to a small tower next to a stout bookcase with a pillow on top. The tower is only big enough to fit two people and has a fluffy rug and a panoramic window with a top dome hatch to stand in the wind.

That is all there is to our house unless you were involved in its construction or you are me. On every floor and throughout the property, my parents own, there are secret passages and rooms that don't show up on the blueprints my parents approved. With my degree in architecture and my passion for design I was permitted to design the new home with the general parameters set by my parents before they handed off the reigns to the new "Ellington Cottage". We needed this new home to provide a place for our infamous family to get some privacy from the public and to give my parents a relaxing place to focus on their jobs. My mother and father are world famous artists and writers respectively. (SISTERS NAME) need for a place to work closely with animals sealed the deal and we shipped off to this new country, away from the tight borders of the cities we had previously resided in. I agreed for the opportunity to move and design our new dream home.

I collected my sweater from where it had fallen while I napped and started to saunter back through the roses to the back porch. I climbed up the stairs dramatically swinging around the banisters on the second landing to check in with my resident workaholics. I kissed my mothers cheek admiring her current project, an outfit for a Victorian era puppy. I slid through the connecting doorway, making my presence known with heavy steps as I approached my fathers desk. Cluttered with papers and pens with three screens flooded with research floating above, he was swamped chest deep in work so I didn't stay long. I flew up the last steps to the top floor and knocked softly on my sisters door. She swung the door open instantly, and with a wild look in her eyes flung me past her and shut the door. She had two piglet babies in a basket asleep in the corner, although with the scene before me I couldn't believe they hadn't woken.

She spoke fast, her words running together, as she eventually got her point across that she knew what to do but needed help. What she needed help with was most likely the two grey-yellow birds flapping insanely through the air while chirping in no particular pattern. Two open cages sat on her bed and she held treats in her hand that were evidently as effective as asking the birds nicely would've been, however I'm assuming she had probably tried that already. I helped her as she herded the smaller one into a cage, closed and locked it securely, and moved it to her desk. The other was remarkably larger and slower but it sustained its energy to use small bursts as it would whiz about our heads in abrupt dives and dips. We fought with this bird for three minutes of solid chasing before the two piglets finally realized the commotion and sprung up to squeal at our feel and jump around excitedly. The bigger bird sat on its cage and I clasped its wings gently to its body, and slid it in the cage, quickly locking it.

I high-fixed my sister and scooped up a piglet, sliding out of the room. I calmed down the piggy in my arms, also trying not to disrupt it with harsh steps, as I made my way to my door. I pushed it open, flicking it shut behind me with my foot, and set the piglet on my window pillow. I tossed my phone at my bed and grabbed a baby bottle off my end table, sliding my shoes off and throwing my sweater over the trunk at the foot of my bed. I slid the bottle in my back pocket and lifted the piggy as I climbed up to the tower as I had for the last three days in the same manner. My sisters pigs had a dozen babies and two of the runts had to be monitored ever so often,v so while she watched them all day, I took one off her hands when I was around and fed it till it drifted off to sleep in the little doggie bed in my tower. I did just that and headed down stairs to check on dinner.

There was a chef, a maid, an on call scholar, and a professional animal carer for the barn and to advise (SISTERS NAME). I still liked to help out with dinner and make sure everyone remembered to eat it whenever I had the time, and I had started learning the basics of cooking. I sprung up the steps, after discovering dinner barley finished, brining my parents the pasta. Then I retrieved (SISTER) and flew back downstairs once again her graceful steps behind mine. We sat at the kitchen island and discussed our day in between mouthfuls of noodles and gulps of tea. We cleaned our plates, got in our pajamas, and went to sleep, cradling our piggies as we dozed of instantaneously. We had the same routine everyday, for the last two months. What none of us ever expected was the change the rapidly approaching.

A change we could not have prevented.

A change we would not have prevented.

But a change, never the less, that would effect all aspects of our lives was coming.

On a horse.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2013 ⏰

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