27 - Protecting you

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" Fuck!" Tyler said in anger which caused me to flinch. " How could he?!" Tyler yelled which made me flinch more. " Did he touch you?" Tyler asked staring at me as I froze.

I swallowed my replies down my throat and all I could do was stay dumb. " Tessa. You didn't let him did you?" Tyler asked as I just stared at him. Frozen. Confused. Scared. And then he suddenly remembers the other day at the classic restaurant.

" Tess. You- you let him." Tyler whispered. " Tessa, why did you let him touch you?! Tess. He'll dump you. And just like all the other girls, you'll be stuck at home crying." Tyler warned.

" I knew he'll eventually dump me Tyler. I knew long before we started our dating. And I agreed to it. I'm ready to be dumped by him Tyler. I don't mind getting broken into pieces by him." I said tears trailing down my cheeks as I sniffed.

" I love him Tyler. I love Taylor Dobrev." I whispered as Tyler entered his car without glancing at me as he took off. With my blurry eyes, I watched Tyler's car go as I sniffed.

The thunder rumbled as it began dribbling. And from there the rain became more and more heavy. I had been standing where Tyler had left me. And I swear it has been hours since he left. I was completely drained and cold.

I sneezed as I broke out of my deep thoughts, with a sigh, I walked off.


Tyler walked out of a museum as he approached his car. Just as he was about to open the door, in the reflection of his window he caught sight of a blonde lady in an ash coloured reefer, fishnet hosieries, black heeled boots and a pair of black arm gloves. Her blonde hair was done in perfect waves and her lips as red as the evening sun.

She had a smirk on as she watched him. He turned to look at her as she approached him. " What do you want?" Tyler asked as Carmen smiled. " I guess you still remember me." Carmen said as Tyler rolled his eyes.

" What do you want?" Tyler asked as Carmen sighs. " Your little bestie wants to ruin my love life." Carmen said. " She's not ruining anything. Taylor doesn't likes you. You know that." Tyler said as Carmen sighs. " Wow. So you're not at all against their relationship I see..." Carmen drawled as Tyler sighed.

" Well. I can help you get Tessa back." Carmen said. " I'm not interested in any of your petty schemes Carmen." Tyler said. " Well. It's not a scheme. I'll benefit, you'll also benefit. And we'll both get together with the people we love." Carmen said.

" How will you do that?" Tyler asked as Carmen smirked at his interest.


I sat at a swing in the city's park. I sighed as I watched the sun kiss the horizon. It had always been a beautiful sight, but it was always fun when I watched it with Tyler.

Back then we would hold hands, lean on each other, speak out little secrets and our most embarrassing moments. Talk a lot until it was dark and promise never to leave each other behind.

But now, out promise was slowly breaking. We were leaving each other. I sighed as I ran my fingers through my already messy hair. Tyler. I just can't understand why I can't just forget him.

I so badly want to, but I can't. I want only Taylor to be on my mind, Tyler. We're just friends, why doesn't he gets that?!

I should probably tell him to quit following him. I used to love him and when I did, he never showed me the love I felt. He always took me like a sister. While I loved him like I would cherish my boyfriend.

I picked my phone out of my pocket as I dialled Tyler's number. " Hello?" He answered after two rings, and immediately I heard his voice, I lost mine. " T- T- Tyler?" I stuttered like he wasn't the one supposed to respond.

" What do you want Es?" He asked sounding like he didn't want to talk. " Tyler. I wanna tell you that. Stop... Stop ignoring my text, okay? I... you once told me that when I fall in love one day I should tell you. And I did Tyler. But you're suddenly against my love." I said.

" Is that what you called to say Tess?" He asked as I hummed. " I would have asked to meet at the downtown diner. But, it's Saturday today, don't you have somewhere to be?" He asked in a whisper and I felt my heart ache by his words.

" Don't keep him waiting Es, or else, he might turn aggressive." Tyler whispered as he ended the call. With a deep sigh I threw my phone away. " TYLER!!"

7:32 pm.

I walked straight towards Taylor's bedroom as I walked in. I shut the door with a sigh as I approached his bed and sat there. " You're a little bit early." Taylor whispered and he was sited beside me. " I thought I'd make a change for once." I whispered back with a straight face.

No smiles. No jokes. Visible sarcasm.

" What's with the attitude?" He asked. I turned to stare at him and he was reading a book. The lights were dimmed and the cold wind that came from outside, flew in the room making me have goosebumps all over.

" Why does Tyler hate you so much?" I asked. Now I regret asking. He wouldn't tell me and would definitely brush the topic off. " Tyler made you cry, didn't he?" He asked. " Your voice's hoarse." He said as he flipped a page.

" Why dress all sexy if you knew you were just gonna come ask me questions? Think I'll only answer to sex?" He asked as I scoffed. " Tell me about Tyler." I said.

" He's 26, tall, thick headed and he's in love with you." Taylor whispered as I turned to stare at him. " Is it hard to tell he likes you?" Taylor asked as I swallowed. " He's over protective, whereas, I'm supposed to be the one protecting you from him." Taylor said as he flipped a page again.

Heyyyy my dear readers.

I love y'all. I'm so happy about this book and I can tell you all are too.

Please comment because I love reading feedbacks, vote because I love seeing the names of my readers pop up on my screen and also share.

Love y'all!!!

- Hearts.

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