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At 11:30 am..

In clg halfway...

" Hye ..jimin.. you were looking like a star at that event .. you're cool man..." One senior said while hugging him from one side and walking with jm..and others follow them..

" Where are you going..??.. Can you play with us .. ??.." another senior said and leading jm towards the table ..

" Hye .. shorty.. how are you ..??.. sit here.." felix said while smirking.. like there is something wrong.. jm also got the bad feeling..but what he could..??..

Felix is jm's senior in the clg..and he knew each other very well .. because of their fathers ...but they need to pretend like they are nothing more than senior and junior...


" Hye..look there is jimin.. just go and take him here..ok.." felix ordered some of his classmates and sitting in cafeteria with some plans ...

" Hi.. dude .. i heard that .. police will be here soon to check some drugs cases.." one guy said and sitting next to felix ..

" That's good ..." Felix smiling but their conversation was cutt off by jm's entry ...

" Sit here.." felix pointing at table next to him on another side..

" Ok.   All set let's start.." felix stated and others clapping as making the table free from the food stuff on it .. and putting one bottle in the middle of the table ...

" Jm where is another guy ..??. Which is always with you ..??.." felix mumbled without looking at jm in slow voice...

" Oo tae .. i think.. he'll not coming..." Jm said and focus on table's bottle again...

" Aish.. jm your turn .. what's with you go truth or dare .. select quickly.." all are looking at jm with curious eyes..

" Um.. dare.. " jm mumbled after thinking a little...

" Yeah good .. what I want ..??.. yes..  just go in Mr.Min cabin and you'll have to sit on his lap for 5 seconds atleast..ok.. I'll watching you from here .. because there is a glass window.. and you'll can't get escaped...now go ..." Felix ordered him in clear voice.. and rest of them cheering jm to do that ....but jm is hella scared here ..

" O... Ok..." Jm take off his bag at the chair and going towards yg's cabin with slow footsteps.. and with slow speed than usual...
" Can I come in professor..??.." jm said while knocking at yg's cabin door with little hands ..

" Yeah .. " yg just coldly mumbled without looking at the door person...

" Who's here..." Yg turning own head from laptop to door .. and seeing jm with lovely eyes ..

" Oh .. jm ... Come baby .. why are you here..??. Is there anything you need..??.." yg asked him with calm voice..but...his body froze when jm suddenly sit in his lap .. without even a word from own mouth...

" I dared to do this .. so sorry.. " jm said in low voice and sitting here like a puppy in owner's lap ...

" Oohh.. what a romantic dare.. I like it ..." Yg whispered in his ear after coming from spacing out zone ...

" Do you need anything else..??. I'll give you.." yg said but jm get up quickly and rushing towards glass window.. and curtain that up .. now there is no space for passing even a ray of light...

" Yoon..I mean yoongi..." Jm just started own lecture.. but yg kissed him directly..which really helps jm to calm down ownself...

" I love it .. when you call me Yoon... I wanna hear this more and more from you ..." Yg just coming closer and closer without break the eye contact.. but end up a wall .. and jm wondered that wall is covers with jm's designs from the day he joined the course till now ...

" Yoongi .. these are my designs right ..??.." jm simply asked and looking at wall with fully opened eyes ...

" Yes .. because I wanna try them all on me .. that's why.. I kept them in my cabin.." yg explained him with serious face and placing own both arms on his sides ..

" What's next ..??.." yg asking him and staring at his lips .. without even moving own sight to an inch..

" Nothing.. I've to attend class .. bye ..." Jm just lowering own head and making ownself free while putting ownself out from his trap...

" This is the benefit of my short height.." jm mumbled and leaving the room before yg even  turning himself to the table ..


Stay tuned..

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