C 14 : its a ........!!!!!!

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Fatima : Do y'all know each other?

Benny : Baby she's just a friend

Fatima : Don't call me that

Connie : Really benny ?

Benny : Shut up connie

** Zac was still Silent processing the scene but fatima was still in his embrace

Fatima : Babe can we go please?

Connie & Benny : Babe ?

Zac : Yes babe ...zac finally spoke

Benny : So your pre.....cut off by kiki because she'll she damn if she let benny be the one to tell zac that fatima is pregnant

Kiki : I think you need to leave

Fatima : Babe can we go please

Zac : Yeah come on

*** The two walked out hand in hand not even caring about connie an benny who was staring at them

Benny : If she thinks am gonna sit an watch her let that nigga raise my child she's crazy

Connie : She's pregnant?

Kiki : Your child? You gotta be a special kind of stupid

Benny : What is that supposed to mean ?

Quiana : " laughing " Did the doctor's check you before releasing you to your mom cause i think something is wrong with your brains

Connie : Hello i ask a question

Dinorah : Ain't nobody give a fuck about you an your questions an stay tf away from Fatima....she said to benny

*** The girls leave benny an connie arguing among them self ....The car ride between fatima an zac was silent nobody was saying anything , he stop at target an get her a few things that he knew she would need at least for the night then they made there way to zac house he bought it a month ago Unbeknownst to connie that's where he's been staying for the pass two weeks

                     Zac's House

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