Chapter 7: Forced and a Forgettable Loss

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Authors note: I just want tell you guys if I should make and One piece x Murder drones crossover. Since recently, I have been watching One piece. I thought I would make a story where Luffy ends up into the Murder Drones verse. I think it's a cool idea, but I want to get your guys opinions on it. Anyways, back to the story.

Location: Colony



The four of us get to the Colony doors and I try opening them, but of course, I can't.

E: Ugh, how do I even get these doors open?

Brett: Yo, I got an idea.

Brett had a smirk on his face that N and V didn't like but I knew when he had a smirk, I know he has a good idea.

E: Go on you emo lover.

Trying to tease him about his obvious crush on Uzi.

Brett: Ugh, shut up.

E: I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at V, I throw up.


E: V, can you shut up for a second.

Brett: So, like I was saying, I pretend that I'm running for my life away from the three of you, if the guard is stupid enough, he or she will open the door and you three get in there and KILL everyone in the room.

E, N, and V: Got it.


Brett's POV

I start pretending I'm running away from the Disassembly Drones and bang on the door.

Brett: YO, open up please, I'm a worker drone being chased by Murder Drones.

The guard was actually stupid enough to open the door and the three Disassembly Drones strike and kill everyone inside that one room.

V: I love hearing the screams of prey!

E: Who doesn't?

Brett: I don't.

E: Oh yeah, I forgot you used to hate being a Disassembly Drone.

Brett: yeah, I know but I least I got my old body back.

E: How did you get your old body back anyways?

Brett: I will explain later.

We start to look around the colony to maybe find where Uzi is. On our way though we noticed a LOT of dead bodies around the colony until we heard Uzi's screaming.



The four of us finale make it to where Uzi is and what we see is pretty boring. We see Thad with his yellow eyes instead of green ones and chains that are holding up Uzi.

Uzi: Oh thank goodness you're here guys, expect for you V.

V just rolls her eyes.

Absolute Solver/Thad: You got a death wish or what.

Brett: Yeah we do!

V: No we don't son

Brett: Did you just call me son?

V: Uh no, totally not.

E: Yeah sure, anyways prepare for a painful demise you Uzi lover.

Absolute Solver/Thad: Yeah yeah.

(DISCONTINUED) Murder drones but J never existedWhere stories live. Discover now