°°ᴅʀᴜɴᴋ-ᴅᴀᴢᴇᴅ°° HeeJake Pt.1

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Note - This story contains kissing scene although it doesn't matter, I will still tell you so Enjoy:)

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Note - This story contains kissing scene although it doesn't matter, I will still tell you so Enjoy:)


It was seven in the morning, Birds were chirping and A sweet smell was present in the atmosphere. A small boy ran inside a shop and called out someone's name loudly " JAKIE HYUNG"

The person named, Jake, came to him and bend to his level " Yes, Yeon" He replied " Can I get a rose?" The little boy names Yeon asked. " Sure , But why are you asking for a rose?" He asked

" Today is My Eomma's birthday, No? So, I will gift her this rose and she will be happy happy" Jake chuckled at the boy's love for his Eomma. " Then why only one rose. Take a whole bouquet, Your Eomma will like it more" Jake suggested

" But I have money for only one rose" Yeon said , pouting and opening his fist to show him the money. " It's your Eomma's birthday, right? " Yeon nodded " Then I will give it to you for Free" Jake said and the boy's eyes lit up " Really?" Jake nodded " Thank you Jakie Hyung" Jake smiled and gave him a bouquet of roses.

The little boy bid him goodbye and ran outside the shop while Jake admired him with a little smile on his face. Suddenly, he was smacked on the head " Oww Eomma!" He hissed in pain.

" What? You gave him the bouquet for free? It costs atleast $9" Mrs.Sim scolded " It's fine, It was his eomma's birthday" He said and again went to do his work " This boy will surely make me a begger one day. He always give people bouquet without getting the money" Mrs. Sim muttered looking at Jake who was peacefully sitting on the chair.

Far away from the peacefulness , There were people cheering and dancing along with there favourite kpop idols " YANG JUNGWON! LEE HEESUENG! PARK JONGSEONG! PARK SUNGHOON! KIM SUNOO! NIKI! ENHYPEN!" ... " ARE YOU READY SEOUL! LET'S GOOOOOOO!"

" You all did great " The staff said to the idols who were lying on the ground, sweating and breathing heavily. " Heesueng Hyung, You had the best energy. I was sweating so much, how did you manage to shout like that?" Sunoo asked

" I don't know , after seeing engenes I feel motivated and happy" Heesueng replied.

" Today, due to some issue, Enhypen's concert was stopped in between, fans are really disappointed because of this. It is said that Company had some problems and needed enhypen in the building for some meeting with their artist. New date will be-"

" Heyy! Why did you off the tv? I was watching it" Mrs.Sim asked " Mom! Seriously, You got only these bunch of lipsyncers to watch? The customers are waiting outside go fast or else they will leave" Jake said and pushed his mom out.

" Enhypen enhypen enhypen! I don't know what people see in them" Jake muttered to himself before starting the news ofcourse, he didn't had anything to watch at that moment.

" Enhypen's concert was stopped-"

" Hybe called enhypen to join them after-"

" What was the reason that hybe stopped enh-"

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